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Hello guys! It's time for another update!

I won't sugar coat it, I had a bit of rough week last week. Some personal life stuff came up and made shit hard, but I also think I'm just having a bit of trouble adjusting to the pace of writing after coding.

I'm a pretty fast and comfortable coder, but I'm not as fast or confident when it comes to writing. I've been finding it a little hard to 'get in the zone' with it.

I still worked every day, but I just feel like I wasn't as productive as I wanted to be.

But, I suppose every week can't be the best week ^^;

I'm certainly not giving up or anything. I just have to find my groove.

I've completed writing for the Intro and 'Night Zero' [ a nighttime segment in Strade's basement before he does anything harmful- this used to just be a blackout in the original LMAO ], and about half of Day 1.

My highlighting here shows what's I've covered on the script from the planning document. I was hoping to have more, but... it is what it is I suppose.

I did do a bit of coding still as well. I've set up a very basic death screen, but I'm not sure how I want to style it yet so I've left it barebones for now.

I've also added a few new preferences in the interest of player comfort [ and reorganized the preferences page to fit them ]

'Moving Chains' refers to the chains on the dialogue box- which some players may find annoying. So I made an option to make them stop moving.

^ these chains

You might have also noticed a setting for 'Timed Struggle Events'- these are a new interaction type I've added to hopefully make certain parts seem, well, like a little more of a struggle!

The events involve rapidly clicking [ or hitting space ], and I know some people have trouble with that or simply don't like it, so there's an option to replace them with a normal choice menu.

But if you choose to play with them, they look like this:

Overall, I'm not TOO unhappy with my progress from the week. I suppose I need to temper my expectations a bit. I think I just can't write with the same efficiency that I code with, and I'm gonna have to be okay with that 😂

Anyway, if you missed last week's wednesday update and you're a $20+ patreon, please check the credits list to make sure you're there and I got your name right!

And of course, thank you guys so much for giving me the opportunity to work on this! I really REALLY appreciate your support!!

Stay safe and have fun this weekend!



very swagger don’t stress yourself too much we don’t mind waiting <3


Man I know his booty shakes 😔


I love his shirt xD