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Hello folks! Sorry for bothering you on a Wednesday, but it's time for a Credits Update! For those of you who weren't around for TPOF development, these will be monthly posts showing who is in the credits list so far.

This is the very first development month, so I'm going to be doing a bit of an 'earlybird special' edit to include people who may have been pledging $20 in April as well. For all following months though, it will just cover the last month [ in this case, May ]

So! If you have pledged $20+ during last month, your name should appear on this list.

If you would like me to change your appearing name from your patreon name to something else, please message me here on patreon!

If you believe you pledged $20+ in May and are NOT on this list, please message me! I'm using a new system to gather data so I'm not fully sure it's working properly yet.

Without further ado, here's the first credits list! [ styling will change later ]

EDITS MADE: Hollow Monarch added [ was missing ], name changed to entsutcliff, name changed to SirCaptainRainbow, name changed to vilefates

[ sorry, too lazy to re-export and compile the pics but I promise the changes are made and will be reflected in the pic next month <3 ]

Thank you guys so much for your support!!! [ And thank you to everyone else too <3 ]



Let’s gooo


Sayin sorry like it’s not exciting to hear from ya regardless lmao mwah