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Hello folks! It's time for more updates!

Last week was another busy one, I finished up the rest of what I can do right now for the UI I think. There's still some things that aren't done, but they need to wait until the game content is done [ like listing and organizing CGs, death collection, etc. ]

Let's get right into it!

I've styled up the player name and sexual content choice to flow nicely with the start of the game:

You may notice that the blurb about the sexual content is a dismissible popup now- it's part of a new tutorial popup system I developed :D

I can put these popups anywhere on the screen to help new players learn about features that would be otherwise invisible or impossible to find out about. The popups can be dismissed [ forever ] one by one, or you can get rid of all of them at once with the click of a button.

Players can bring back tutorial mode if they missed something by re-enabling it in the preferences menu!

I applied different overlays when you're saving or loading a file, to hopefully help prevent the problem of saving over a file when you meant to load it [ an issue I've had repeatedly on renpy myself... ]

Those little 'X' buttons allow players to delete a save file- I've also customized the default code for deleting files so that players can delete many files quickly at once if they want to by using the delete key on their keyboard :D

Speaking of customizing,

I've heavily customized renpy built in 'history' page to be a 'Script', or a condensed version of the script so far. I think this will be useful to players wanting to remember what happened when they load a file, or for players wanting to send a conversation screenshot to their friends without having to take 8 screenshots LMAO

So Monday-Thursday was very successful I think! I'm really quite pleased with the UI system. I think it will be a lot more user friendly than my previous games.

Friday however was a bit of a headache 😂

I spent Friday trying to do one little thing- applying a stability update to TPOF to hopefully prevent players from losing lots of progress when their game is shut down improperly [ closing a laptop without quitting the game, losing power, crashing etc. ].

The update itself went fine, but because I've updated renpy from 7.4 to 8.0 to build YKMET, it caused compatibility issues with the code in TPOF.

I managed to fix most of the compatibility issues with some very minor sacrifices, but then I found that I was unable to export an android copy. I tried a lot of things and updated stuff, uninstalled, reinstalled, even tried downgrading renpy back to 7.4... no dice. It turns out that mac users are just up shit creek when it comes to exporting android copies.

So for now, only desktop players will get the stability update. I'll have to do some research later and figure something out for the android problem or else I won't be able to create an android version of YKMET either 😩 But I suppose that's a problem for another day.

Anyway, next week I will be shifting back to writing the script!

Also, I'll do an update on here in another couple of days to show everyone in the credits list for the first month of production <3

Thank you guys all so much for your support!!!

Have a safe and fun weekend folks! 


Phoenix Astra

I'm so blessed to be a member of your patreon, thank you so much for sharing your updates with us. Always rooting for you and your beautiful work. I am not as active in the server these days, but always rooting for you gato, you'll always be my favorite artist/creator =w= &lt;3 I'm really lucky I got into[found out about] btd the same year you were doing tpof dlc and now the remix. [and the body pillows!] So so grateful. You're awesome dude. The ui is looking so amazing. The work you put into everything is incredible.


AARGH I want to put this ui in a blender and bathe in it it’s so good!? And the little tutorial buttons are so welcomed because it’s a struggle learning the uis of new games,,, SO EXCITING!!!!