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Hello again my friends! I'm happy to update you this week and report good news and productivity ^o^

I don't have any more art to show you, since that's all done- but I can say that I think I accomplished a lot last week in terms of getting the DLC ready.

During the first half of the week, I finished up my last pass of editing. I also built the 'CG' section for the DLC, added the two backgrounds to the background section, and added some concept art as well :)

Then, for the second half of the week I released the Beta copy and many people in the server are helping so much with that!

I feel like we're catching a lot of bugs and getting it SUPER polished. I'm SO GRATEFUL for all the help, and because of your guys' hard work, it's gonna come out so professional!!!

We're still currently beta testing, although I think the bug reports are slowing down. I still have a couple to fix though!

Meanwhile, Barbatus is helping me set up the audio and providing me with some amazing music and ambient tracks! I'm currently in the process of coding those in. I'll also need to buy some subscription to envato or zapsplat next week so I can get a couple sound effects I'll need as well.

After I finish the audio [ I'd love to be done after next week.... I think it's possible ], I'll start work on adding in some memelord jokes to the DLC ^o^

There's also a few other small tasks I need to do, like setting up steam achievements and writing a steam update for the DLC, but I think we're getting really very close to release! 

I THINK I'll be able to release the full copy of the DLC sometime in very early April [ next month ].

Sorry for the wall of text update BAHA but really I am quite pleased with the incredible progress last week. We did so much!

And of course, thank YOU GUYS so much! Not just the beta testers, but everyone here supporting me with this work. I'm having a lot of fun and I can't wait to finally be able to unveil the work we've all been keeping secret and working so hard on <3

Have a fun and safe weekend!!! <3



Im so gassed for the release! Ive been trying to ignore the art while reading updates so everything will be a surprise! 😍


Aaaaa you're doing a great job! Thanks for all your hard work to bring us more of our favorite fox! 🥰