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Hello again! Good morning! It's time for another update ^o^

Current Sprite Completion: Done! 🎉

Please keep the DLC work secret on this Patreon! We're getting close to finish line now and I'm very excited to be able to reveal it for real soon!

Last week I finished up the last of the sprites! The last few were all camera themed :3c

So what's next?

On Friday I got started on my final editing pass- I'm fixing the positions and transitions of sprites, adding a bit of flair, and tightening up the dialogue a tiny bit.

I'm also filling up the new content warning section as well.

Once I'm done with those tasks, I need to create a 'CG gallery' for the DLC

And then it's time to Beta Test! 

If you would like to Beta Test, you'll get all the info you need and get access in our Patreon Discord [ How to connect to the Patreon Discord ]

While people are beta testing, I'll be working with Barbatus to get the sound design coded in and then I'll add a memelord mode to the DLC- then we can release it!

All of this should hopefully only take about 4 weeks I think!

Thank you so much everyone for your amazing support and kindness! As always, it's such a pleasure to work for you <3

Have a great weekend and stay safe!! <3



god PLEASE can we get a "slap the tip on the camera" dialogue for memelord


Awesome!!! So excited to see the final result ❤️


Ooh those look so creepy. It looks like a person with an arm band on the first? Then the second the same person is being touched. Third one I mainly see bows. I'm really curious now on what's going on.


Sooooo excited!!! I'm loving this new direction with the dynamic poses, I think it will be even better than the regular style with CGs. Such a great idea!


THESE LOOK SO AMAZING!!! amazing work gato im so excited!!! &lt;3


Are those... bow nipple clamps?