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Good morning my esteemed bitches and bitchettes! 

It's time for another update! I'm happy to say that I think I got a lot done last week. More than I was expecting!

I think Beta Testing is pretty much complete, I haven't gotten any new bug reports for quite a while, so I think it's fairly polished up code-wise.

Most of last week was spent finishing up the sound design, which also went well! I got a new subscription to Envato and got all the sound effects I needed easily. They're a bit of an expensive website but you really can't beat that variety!

Barbatus has also very graciously provided us with a music and ambient soundscape for the DLC, which I am very excited about! I feel like his work suits this story super well!

The sound design is essentially complete now- but Barbatus got a new instrument in the mail yesterday so we might be adding in just a little extra pizzazz in the next week :) [ it's super kickass you're gonna love it ]

After the sound design was basically done, I moved on to some other quicker tasks. 

- Added the new music tracks to the music collection screen

- Coded in a few Steam achievements

- Tested and bugfixed Android version [ pretty much only one menu was janky ]

- Gotten started on memelord jokes

I anticipate that next week will be primarily devoted to putting in memelord stuff :) The only other serious task I have left to do is to prepare my itchio and steam account pages to show off the new DLC.

Unfortunately, the timing for the completion of the DLC happens to overlap exactly with a short trip I'll be taking next weekend 😩 I'll be leaving Friday morning and coming back on Monday [ spending a bit of time in Revelstoke BC for a beer festival LMAO ]

So I THINK I'll be finishing up the DLC next week from mon-thurs, then I'll be ready to launch it pretty much as soon as I get back- so new possible release date is April 4.

Anyways, that's all I got for now! Very excited to drop the DLC soon!!!

Thank you guys SO much for your support! I couldn't be doing any of this without you. I'm eternally grateful to have this opportunity to work on what I want and put out DLCs just for fun. You guys are the best!

Have a fun and safe weekend!! <3



Have a great trip, Gato! You deserve that long weekend off ❣️


Sounds fun; Enjoy your trip! ^_^


Resting is also production =) enjoy your trip, Gato!