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Hello everyone! It's once again time for our Saturday update- and the beginning of FLESH MONTH 12!

It's kind of surreal to realize that I've almost been working for an entire year on this game. And that I still have so far to go X'D

But I am 100% dedicated to working my hardest and always moving forward!

This week I'm happy to report that Celia's backgrounds are complete, and I'm now starting on Derek's backgrounds! It's going to be a bit of a gear switch to suddenly be drawing rocks, sand and sky- but hopefully I'll get the hang of it quickly and be able to get things done in good order!

The flats that I did yesterday for Derek's first background look like some kind of weird fine art lmao

Most of my week was spent finishing up the last odds and ends on Celia's backgrounds though. I got a spooky staircase shot done, and fancied up the pinpad in her office- it's actually quite nice now if I do say so myself!

And that's about it! I made a larger post on my tumblr summarizing the general spot I'm in on development if anyone's interested in that -> https://gatobob.tumblr.com/post/614495748198973440/flesh-month-12

And before I end it off, I just want to say to everyone how thankful I am for you guys for your support through this!

I understand that times are harder now for everyone. If anyone needs to drop their patreon support- PLEASE DON'T FEEL BAD or be worried about me! I'll be fine and I would never think any less of anyone who needs to be careful with money right now.

Just stay safe okay? More than anything, I want you guys to be happy and healthy and to be able to play my game when it comes out ^o^

Love you guys! <3


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