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Hello friends! It's time for my weekly update!

This week has been a bit special since I took a week off from doing backgrounds to catch up on some other various things that have been piling up in the background!

So here's a bullet list of what I got done over the week:

  • a small amount of spelling and bug fixes
  • added a new special death to Mason's path, suggested by an alpha tester
  • programmed the mechanic for Celia's backgrounds to become more 'bright and intense' as the player's sanity drops
  • added programming to make the backgrounds be treated as collectibles instead of being available in the gallery as soon as someone opens the game
  • tightened up the coding of the collectibles page to be more adjustable if I end up adding or removing things in the future
  • added background images to make the completion bar in the collectibles section look more sexy
  • renamed the game from 'The Hunt' to 'The Price Of Flesh' and drew a new logo:

The rename was partially because of a new movie coming out that I don't want my game to be confused with, and also because 'The Hunt' has terrible search engine optimization, whereas 'The Price Of Flesh' is much more unique in the search engine :D

Next week I'll be getting back to work on backgrounds and I'm hoping to finish up Celia's backgrounds [ I only have two images left to make ] <3

And that's about it! Thank you so much everyone- and I mean this even more strongly than ever before in these weird hard times. I feel so lucky that I have the opportunity to keep working at home. Thank you guys so much ;0;


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