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Hi guys!! I wanted to check in since it's now mid-month and I've really gotten into the groove and been hammering away at stuff!

Since the last update, I made a daily goal plan for myself so that I can better gauge what I need to do to stay on schedule, and where I hope to be by the end of the month!

By the end of the month, [ unless something crazy happens ] I'm going to have Mason's path completely written and coded. Hopefully a couple extra things as well!

As for what I've already gotten done, here's some little tidbits!

As I've mentioned before, the player's temperature is important. While MC walks around outside, their temperature will drop. The remedy to this is to build a fire with flint and steel that Mason has very kindly provided to you.

Making a fire has its drawbacks, but I'm going to leave that as a surprise :)

Another big update is the 'search' function.

Players can choose to spend some time searching the area they're in. For now, I've programmed in some new items that can be obtained this way!

And in the next couple of days, I'll be programming in more results for the search action.

Searching your surroundings will be imperative for some of the more interesting endings!

Anyway, that's what I've been up to! Having lots of fun! <3 I'll check in with you guys again soon!


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