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Hello again! It's time for another weekend update, and as usual, I have a bunch of stuff to go through!

I got a lot of work done this week! I keep feeling like there just aren't enough hours in a day 😂 I keep getting so caught up in everything.

For most of the first part of the week, I was working with the Alpha testers to create a new build and turn their useful bug reports and suggestions into game improvements.

Here's some of what's been updated recently:

  • more bug fixes, continuity error fixes, and spelling/dialogue flow fixes

  • stability update for the photo gallery to help users who may have somehow misplaced their screenshot files by moving their game

  • adding more content to Day 3 and Night 3

  • more subtle variations throughout the script for the personality system

Once I caught up with my tester's suggestions, I started to get to work on the first piece of final art :D

I drew up the first background you see in the game. I've gone for a more organic, comic book sort of feel for the background. Unlike TPOF's photorealism, I'd like the backgrounds to have a sort of cartoony, maybe even surreal vibe.

I will show of course, but sadly I had to plaster my watermarks all over everything ^^; I'm really sorry about this, but people just wont stop leaking my Patreon content on social media. I can't stop them, but I can at least get some advertising out of it 😂

 I also whipped up a later night version for a bit later in the script :)

 After that, I still had a day left to play with my music!

My 30 day free trial of Ableton ran out, so I had to shell out for the full version- but I really really think it's worth it. I'm totally determined to make the OST for this game now. Every time I play with the music, I get a little more confident and I am having SO MUCH FUN with it.

The program may be expensive [ about $1000 CAD ] but that's actually less than I spent on music work and licensing for TPOF, so if I can pull this off I'll be saving money AND learning new skills :D

I did some more work on my title song, and now it's a full song with a beginning middle and end! I'm sure I'll probably tweak it more in the long time before release, but I'm just really jazzed that I have now technically made a whole little song all by myself ^o^

 It's just been so fun to try all my weird little ideas that I couldn't really do before. Like for instance, I wanted a note 'motif' that sort of represented the game's title 'You Kill Me Every Time' and now it's actually in there!

 It might not be really recognizable or anything but I tried! And I think it sounds kinda cool!

Patreon doesn't let me embed music but I included an attachment of the song :D Again, it's probably not DONE DONE, but it's a whole song now!

Next week I will probably get to work on more backgrounds. I really like working on the music but it's kind of a back burner thing for now. I'll mess with it for fun here and there, but I'll mostly be concentrating on finishing up with Alpha Testing and really sinking my teeth into the final art.

EDIT: Oh yeah and I threw another year of art up on my personal website on Friday like usual

Anyway, I think that's about all I have for now!

Thank you all so so much for your incredible support!! I'm so happy that I can be working on this stuff, I'm really enjoying myself! ^o^

Stay safe and have a great weekend!



Nice work! Looking amazing!!

Clyde (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-06 06:57:00 yesssss the song is so good!! im so stoked!!
2024-05-06 06:57:00 yesssss the song is so good!! im so stoked!!
2024-05-05 15:28:20 yesssss the song is so good!! im so stoked!!

yesssss the song is so good!! im so stoked!!