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So had a bad headache for a few days, good thing I finished the comic before that.

And ended up not doing anything for a few days, I was hoping to finish the last Kallen pic and a commission before the 5th. 

About the new comic, last chapter I loss track with the story and just episodically added bondage scene after bondage scene. Kinda like dragging it along to reach 20 pages well it did the job.

So right now might not fit in that much tied up girls, like one every five pages. And I'd like to do something different with the story so tomorrow I'm going to make a poll on it to decide or at least lead it to the right direction.

First off, as you may know for the past 3 chapters its been a girl on girl tied up relationship. And I know this might be shocking and revolutionary:

A Straight Bondage relationship


Heresy!!!!!!!! Blasphemy!!!

And not really noticeable in my art cause I try to minimize it, but I'm very open to GID or CID so kinda like a switch heheh.

So first idea is kinda like a femdom POV, like those Jam pics. There will be a male character but it tries to form a connection with the reader. I cant really explain it properly but think of it like those hentai protagonists, they're a character in the story but it tries to make the illusion that you the viewer is the character like simple tricks like removing the eyes to remove the distinction of the protagonist. And tries to switch views from the characters point of view. This would not consist of the majority of the comic its still mostly tied up girls.

Second idea would be less femdom POV, more tied up girls still male character would be there. And everyone would atleast get tied up and I mean everyone.

And Finally the third one would still have the male character but his main job is to tie up the girls, If it's all girls then who would tie up the last one.

So gonna decide on the story first so this month might not have any finished pages most like just sketches of the first ones. and maybe a few sketch idea's just like what happened with the last chapter.

Yeah a bit drastic of an idea, but I'm willing to follow what the majority of Patrons would decide on tomorrow's poll. Also by tomorrow would start taking suggestions for June's Fan Art Poll.


Alex Martinez

i prefer only girls in the Story And please do more of Freya tied up


I'm definitely more into scenarios that focus on the ladies, but POV femdom stuff a la Jam's work could be fun. I suspect that CiD would be less objectionable than GiD, as far as the majority of people here are concerned, though I am aware that there are some people with an interest in CiD/GiD and I think it would be unfair not to cater to them with at least something. Perhaps the solution would be to divide your time proportionally between the two, so spend say 2/3 or 3/4 of it working on girls-only stuff and the remainder on little side projects to cater to that niche.


I am still laughing at "Heresy! Blasphemy!" My thought is there's no reason not to do what you want to in this one...of your options it's actually a very tough call! They all sound really solid to me...Done right I've seen some very good GiD, and especially in a comic situation where you build relationships CiD could be amazing. But a guy taking a dominant role? Never have any issue with that. Girl on girl is great, but Guy on girl is fantastic too!


Having a guy invoked would be a neat change of pace, that’s for sure. Femdom ain’t my cup of tea but I’m all for the reverse.


You and jam are my only donations on patreon. I love jam's femdon pics but I like your style a little more so if you did femdom stuff like that I'd be in love 😍


Honestly, I'm all for the femdom idea. It's bold and daring and I'm a fairly happy that you're planing on introducing the concept in your universe. While I relish in the DiD (I simply cannot get enough of Jenn!), If you look at my (horrible) gallery, you'll notice a few, trap pics with a cute protagonist so, if it went in that direction, that'd be cool too! Either way, I do enjoy the idea of a GiD or two thrown in :) I sort of got a headache from the explanation of the pov stuff you mentioned above, lol, but I think I grasp the core concept. The combination of your art along with some of these creative directions is quite stimulating to see :)