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Heres the finished third chapter. This has really been a good improvement to the last two, art wise that is. 

And now to prepare for the next chapter, I actually missed drawing the 1st cast. Although it is obvious the office team is more popular, well at least we still got Freya.

There will be a poll to decide a few stuff about the comic and to determine which direction it might take. As the days past more and more random ideas keeps poping up.

And a big thanks to all of you who supported, I cant believe I even made it this far and its slowly reaching my goal. 

Suddenly this idea of doing this full time is quite overwhelming, Haven't thought of it that much just expecting it to be some extra cash on the sides and now its achievable. Guess a dream closing in to reality is technically a wake up call.

But all of this isn't my achievement alone. It's from all of you guy's from the start and even to the new ones, the support you give is the duct tape that keeps this haphazardly put together patreon page standing.

for that I am greatfull, THANK YOU!




Another one bites the dust! That was a satisfying conclusion to this chapter. Looking forward for more interactions between Jackie and Rebecca in the future. But for now, I'm excited for Ch. 4


Looks like Jackie had a lot of fun in the end! Excellent work :D


Its great! You overdid yourself once again! And i love the Jacky tied up Action Special when she was stashed in the Trunk! All tied up and gagged with a lot of tape great heavy gag for her and i think she´ll have a lot of fun!^^


Dude, we're happy that you've been committed to your fans! You're an amazing artist that is humble and continues to travel upwards. :)


This was a great chapter, so many sexy scenes. And you're right, your art is continually improving. Keep up the great work!


I'm so glad to be able to read this chapter in it's complete form, even if it's sort of sad to see it be over; this was the first comic chapter of yours that I read before it was finished, and it was a lot of fun to see it progress over the months until that whambash of an ending ( so nice of Anne and Rebecca to give Jackie a "ride home"). I was kinda confused by Anne's statement that Jackie would be getting some "entertainment" during the trip while Rebecca films their prisoner on her phone; is the entertainment supposed to be Rebecca's phone footage of Jackie, or something else? Also, what is Anne holding in her hand (it looks like some kind of remote, possibly?) I'm sure these questions have obvious answers, but for the life of me I'm just not sure right now. Either way, my confusion here doesn't ruin the rest of the chapter at all. Let me just say that I love how your art has progressed, a fact that you clearly acknowledge in this post. From the shading on the characters to the little details (the slight blush as Jackie or Rebecca get gagged, for example), to the memorable facial reactions, this chapter is visually engaging and just plain fun to look at. Some of the characters get more development too (i.e. learning about Rebecca's past as a sub was intriguing to see the least, especially how this led to one of the uses for the titular "Bondage Cafe"), which shows just how important story is to you as an artist. That apology scene on page 17 was especially cool because, even though it shows that Rebecca is forgiving of Jackie for her hijinks earlier, it doesn't mean she gets to go home scot-free from punishment. Since Rebecca seems to be a dom with tendencies to switch to a sub, it makes her all the more unpredictable and therefore more entertaining to learn about. The other characters were cool too and had their own little funny moments, such as Sophie deciding to let Rebecca and Anne take Jackie home in exchange for some peace and quiet (and Jackie's muffled disagreement with that). It'll be interesting to see how Frey interacts with Jenn and Shore now that we've seen her behavior in the last couple chapters; maybe that'll that come into play in chapter 4? Anne as a character is definitely intriguing as well. Even though she gives some description about her past with Rebecca, their backstory seems to paint her in a dark mentor kind of light. She clearly cares a lot for her friend, with the added kinkiness of teaching her to be more dom than sub, their relationship being less "opposites attract" than "like minds experimenting in a field they both are fans of". Wonderful job overall on a character who isn't all that they seem, and I hope to see more of her. I honestly didn't think I'd write this much, but since you clearly put in a lot of work when it comes to narrative as well as art style I can't help but overnanalyze (and of course the bondage and detailed tapegags only add to the interest). I'm glad to be supporting you in your goal of doing this full-time, even if that prospect seems to be overwhelming; your description of it as a "wake up call" is 100% accurate, and I'm sure you'll meet it head on!


I think the "entertainment" that Jackie is getting at the end is a vibrator that they left in her. That would explain the pink remote in Anne's hand. Can't have her getting bored during the car ride now!


Thanks! I do love my tape gags and just want to end it in the back of a car


Sorry, I'm late... karma : the link don't work with me. Can you please do something about it ?


seems like a server error cant even access it myself. Lets just wait until tomorrow. if its still doesn't work then I'll change the link


I really loved the chapter 1&3 of your comic, I can't find chapter 2, is it still possible to view it ?


I just realize you're also a Jojo fan XD