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Poor Edgy Dave's in a rough spot after pissing all his money and time away by turning Dracula's Castle into his new vacation home. Now he's left with no other choice but to dig around for some new recruits...

Meet Mr. Tea

Mr. Tea n' Crumpetts comes from an entire family of gentlemen snipers. He isn't your average YFA... he can look up or down, and his shank rounds will pierce just about everything. Edgy Dave trusts he'll do a good enough job on his own, so no need to worry about being on the clock. Just take your time sneaking around the place and keeping an eye out for him and all will be fine. Just don't get spotted...

Meet Megan Mechie

Edgy Dave's pretty desperate, so he went to some junkyard and found this automated diner-dasher. It was out of commission, so he got the gears turning with a few new bits and bobs. Surprisingly effective war machine considering a third of Chief Berrista's squad are dead.

Check out her nearby theme at the top of the post! ^

Her roller-skates make for some effective mobility, just watch out for that gun of hers! it's rather shocking.

Speaking of Something Shocking

The entire game HUD has been reworked! and features a ton of new status debuffs. Mostly stuff that's been in the game, but was never considered a status until now. However, two new status debuffs have been added to the game, but we'll only touch on one, the Shocked debuff.

All enemies that use electrical attacks such as Chef Prowlnos, Beans, Megan and even The Taker will trigger this new debuff and cause all sorts of visual and auditorial malfunctions, such as fake chase themes or seeing things that aren't real. If shocked enough, the surrounding area may appear to grow darker...

So What's Next?

A lot still needs to be worked on for this update to reach completion, such as the real introduction cutscene to the game, a reworked tutorial stage, new cosmetics, and other random stuff on my to-do list. I'll be beginning production on the new set of maps for this update very soon as well. I've been very busy working on all sorts of quality of life changes and additions and even these new AI, so I haven't had time to get to work on Moonlit Mountain. Once I've gotten something to show, I'll be sure to tease some of it over time.

And that's a wrap! Very excited to get this update done, it's probably one of the most dense content updates I've worked on in awhile and I hope y'all will enjoy it once it's out of the oven. Take care!



Lookin forward to this!

Leon Products

dave.exe is a black screen with a error message behind it, can u fix this dave im on windows 10