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Welcome one and all to another Patreon post for the game that is, Dave.EXE. Today I will be discussing some of the new content you can expect to see in the upcoming update. That's right, big ol' spoiler post for all those wondering. If you don't want to be spoiled, turn back now!


We good? Okay then, let's start off with a recap of what's been revealed to the public and patrons of the past and go from there.

Climbables And UI Overhaul

Let's start with the elephant in the room. Brand new HUD elements! As you can see, the entirety of the game's UI has been overhauled and condensed. Your objectives, status effects, health, dodge roll stamina and item icons are all up on the top left corner of the screen now. Easier to have your eyes dart in one place rather than all over the screen like before. Now apart from this, a brand new mechanic I've shown off in the past are the Climbables. This new mechanic will offer new ways to evade enemies by vaulting or climbing over objects, fences and walls to help create distance and sometimes successfully escape a chase without breaking much of a sweat.

New Random Events

A sense of fear strikes the hearts of all those who explore the timelines, for what you may encounter could be something unexpected.

Four new random events will be added, each bringing all sorts of fun and havoc. Don't want to spoil these too much just yet, want to make sure folks discover them on their own. Enjoy theorizing until then!

Reworked Enemies

Did someone say reworks? Yes, a bunch of older characters are getting some delicious reworks! Expect new animations and slight changes to their base kit for the following characters:

Rockem' Sockem' Randy
The Florgin

Quite a fearful bunch, I must say.

New Enemies

I'm getting a stomachache just thinking about those pesky new enemies. You know what happened the other day? I was minding my own business, emptying a vending machine across the street, when all of a sudden this British man with a teacup on his head shot me a mile away from a second story window! What a nasty man he was.

Introducing, Mr. Tea! Concept created by Salotus Chaos. A sniper capable of seeing the player from any distance and shooting them down with his bullet shanks, capable of penetrating walls and objects. This is not your typical chaser enemy, this is a trained assassin who knows CQC is not necessary for getting the job done when it can be done from a distance. Nowhere is safe. You must run, you must hide, do not let him see you.

Mr. Tea isn't the only community character being added! Let's not forget the automated diner-dasher, Megan Mechie! Concept created by Evey.

Megan Mechie is a standard chasing enemy with a twist. Her rollerskates give her a new sense of mobility where she can move in bursts in straight lines. This in turn, makes it easier for the player to run her around small objects and columns. Don't get cocky though, not only is she good at catching up, she has quite the zapper. A gun capable of applying the Shocked status effect onto the player. Get shocked enough and you'll start to lose your head!

There are plenty of other enemies to encounter that I won't cover in this post. But be prepared for your picture day. I heard the dead don't like photos.

New Location

Welcome to Moonlit Mountain. Another town, another story. Most of the humanoids that lived here up and vanished without much of a scuffle... I'm still digging up documents to find out what really happened, but it sure wasn't pretty. Speaking of pretty, you can't deny how lonesome yet peaceful this place seems.

And Much Much More!

Expect new cosmetics, features and other goodies incoming that I don't want to spoil just yet. I'll let everyone else discover the rest when the time comes!

And that's a wrap, thank you for reading this incredibly long Patreon post! We're nearing the finish line now, but there's still plenty of other things I want to cram into this update before it's fully released. I'll be sure to let everyone know as soon as a release date is confirmed and I'll see y'all later!



Hopefully the vaulting mechanics are a big game changer. Anything to give me the edge against the enemies is welcome in my book!

Leon Products

wait a minute, dave, is it just my pc or is vcruntime140.dll a seperate download, or is it supposed to be downloaded with ue4prereq setup, because i keep reinstalling it and it keeps saying that vcruntime140.dll is not downloaded

Dave Microwaves Games

I'm afraid I've never seen that error happen to users before. Had to Google search it and apparently you need to reinstall the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables on your PC? I'd look a little deeper but that's the only answer I could find.