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Howdy and welcome to another installment of, "What the hell is Dave working on?" Today we'll be going over some of the new quality of life changes and additions to be expected in the next Dave.EXE update! But before we get to that, I want to talk a bit about Dave.EXE and my current plans for the game before it reaches V1.0.

I've been keeping the roadmap plans a bit private since I'm still unsure about when I'll be considering the game to be finished and I think it's about time I spill the beans. Basically, this update is the halfway point for the game. What does this mean? This means I'm expecting to have 15 locations, 40 enemies and 50 random events by the end of it's development and wouldn't you know it, we're already halfway there! 7 locations, 20 enemies and 25 random events. It's possible the game will be receiving only eight more updates before it hits the finish line, though it is still possible I'll release updates in the middle of big releases, as you saw with The Grubbly Guest update recently.

Now enough talk about V1.0, it's time to get into the meat of this post, a taste of the new content that is to come!

New Random Events

You heard right, new random events and not just one or two, but four new events are being added in! I mentioned in the past how I was adding a new random event inspired by Silent Hill: Shattered Memories and I thought I'd give both my patrons and Discord server a little bit of a teaser earlier today for that one. Check it out if you haven't seen it!


Besides this, there will be one other enemy based random event and two regular types of random events. It's been awhile since I've done regular ones like Soda or Bust or Jumpscare Simulator.

Soda or Bust

Speaking of Soda or Bust, this random event has now been changed to Gold Rush Soda Bust. Essentially, looting these golden busted vending machines will now rake you 100 coins upon completion to make up for the long interaction time across five vending machines. Quite a money making random event now, wouldn't you say?


A lot of users have expressed disinterest in YFA over the years and I think it's about time he gets himself a small rework! Meet the new YFA.

A man with a plan and a GUN. The YFA has received several changes in this upcoming update, namely he now has a voice, is capable of firing his gun multiple times during a chase and got some new animations to boot! Much more up to snuff with the current characters in the game in terms of quality and presentation.

Rockem' Sockem Randy

The poor lad has been left in the dust ever since The Wooer and a few other speed demons were added into the game lately. To remedy this issue, Randy has gotten a few small changes to his basekit. The first being, during his rev up animation, he has a two second grace period before being able to lose you, on top of this, during his speed up, his old gears start kicking in and you'll see him begin to smoke and bounce towards you as his speed slowly increases to give him more of a head start to catch up to you. This makes him much more dangerous and an enemy you'll want to create as much distance with as possible. Be sure to have that dodge roll out of it's cooldown!

Testing My Patience

Last but not least, we got good ol' Testing My Patience. This random event has been in a pretty decent spot for awhile, but it's been lacking the oomph most random events that feature unique enemies have. So I've gone ahead and given the event a little bit of a touch up by making it more apparent that he's spawned in and added a bit of an oldschool style filter to give it more of a visual flair.

This new update is gonna be massive, much bigger than the last update I'd reckon and respectfully so. Expect plenty more quality of life changes to characters, mechanics and animations incoming that I can't list here just yet. Plenty of stuff I wanna keep on the down low for awhile, so until then, I will see y'all later!