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Ah nuts, I've completely neglected my Patreon for a few weeks cause of AtC. Now that that project's done and out there to the public, I've got some time to work on more Patreon stuff! While I do still have a few more original Patreon exclusives planned for the future, I've been investing most of my time to work on Doomy in the Roomy's next content update. Still debating on the name, might call it Ultimate Edition, or just something else, lol. Currently I've got a few things finished and some other things planned to implement. Take a look below!

Four new floor types for floors 1-2 (Done)

Four new floor types for floors 4-5 (1/2 done)

Two new minigames for floor 3 (Done)

Two new boss floor types (Planned)

Eight new common enemies to encounter (Planned)

Character select (Planned)

Items (Planned)

New endings (Planned)

Currency and shop system? (Maybe, still debating on it)

And that's a wrap! Hope y'all are looking forward to this next update. Not sure when it'll be out, but I'm hoping I can crank it out this month!


FNAF Fanboy

Cool, I can't wait to see what's gonna happen into the game