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So last Saturday I showed the extras menu's main screen, but I thought I'd go a little more in depth about it here on Patreon.

Extras and Unlockables: This will be the menu you're all used to. Displays all of the extras you've collected on your journey.

Minigames: This menu will display the minigames you've unlocked by completing special tasks. A minigame will be a short nonsensical level unrelated to the Jellien invasion and of course, none of it is canon to the game's story.

Cheats: The cheats menu will require the player to experiment different combinations to try and unlock different cheats. I won't give away what they unlock, that's up to you to find out when the game releases!

Trophies: This menu will display all of your accomplishments throughout your journey, but be warned! If you use non-cosmetic cheats, the game will mark you as a cheater, so you can't fool people, including me, into thinking you 100%ed the game when you just gone ahead and cheated your way through the game, lol.

And that about wraps up the extras menu. Hope to have some more news soon in regards to how close we are to finishing the game!



turely poggers

NoahTDW /TheDiamondWeapons

I don't know why, this reminds me so much of the Spongebob The Movie video game, it looks official but it not. I will enjoy this game once it comes.