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Well howdy there, been awhile since I've posted anything on Patreon. Unfortunately this month is gonna be pretty quiet over here since we're pretty much gonna be adding in a bunch of new content into the game. Yeah, we were actually almost done with the polishing phase, but as I said in my Birthday Q&A two weeks back, we decided to double the list of stuff we needed to do in the polishing phase by adding in all the concepts we had scrapped during development, lol. I don't want to go too in depth on all that just yet, but just know that it's gonna add more rewards for exploration and 100%ing the game!

Now let's talk about what I have been working on recently. For the past two weeks, I worked on improving the frame rate for some levels, added a brand new rig and animations to the Nut Alarm and Berry the Bear, misc changes to certain maps, removed all instances of outdated box trigger type projectiles and added actual dodgeable projectiles. Yeah, you can actually dodge Volter bolts and Squirter goo now, lmao. I also improved all of the smoke particle effects in the game, added thunder and lightning effects to the skybox and lighting for Tentacle Acres and the Krusty Krab, and a bunch of other misc additions.

Next week we're gonna start working on adding all of the extras into the game. It's gonna take some time, but I believe once we add it all in, we can start working on adding all of the scrapped content into the game and begin the internal testing phase, yeehaw! Honestly, I'm not sure how long it'll take to get all this stuff added in. It may be quick or it may take more than a few weeks, we shall see.



idea make a small chance to have red mist squidward pop in the squidwards levels

Goober the Dog

These look so different from the 3.1V lol