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I've been reluctant about uploading this game to my Patreon because of how much I cringed at the dialogue, lol. Bad writing, repetitive game design, just overall wasn't satisfied with it. Last night I decided to go back and fix it up a bit and make it at least playable. So, without further ado, here's Carnivorous Chickens! An abandoned game that I do personally wish I finished, but definitely not at the time I was making it, lmao.

Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-eAqnZWVWOmga4YjoNcJzSrBdFeebkNV/view?usp=sharing



today i reinstall game this time i looked on youtube i reached basement i grabbed m16 i finally reached end of demo i got embrasssed of freaking out of the darkness


Hey, Dave, I didn't know you made that game of a demo. I just don't want to say ugly words, you know the rules, no ugly words unless you're 18.