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Dave.EXE's Punchies, Paddles, Propaganda Update is now available! Featuring the brand new quests system, new cosmetics, the blacksmith who sells items, a brand new location to explore, dangerous new foes to encounter and more!

Disclaimer: This game is rated M if it wasn't obvious, it mostly consists of inside jokes, since it's based on my OC character and other random nonsense our friend circle came up with. Oh yeah, and expect swearing and stuff, lol.

Here are the patchnotes:

Added: Two new random events
Added: A quest system.
Added: The Encyclopedia
Added: New location, Winky Wonky City
Added: Two new killers
Added: Status effects
Added: The dodge roll mechanic. Press spacebar to dodge roll, this is most useful for gaining distance during a chase to avoid getting hit.
Added: 9 new outfit cosmetics
Added: 9 new hat cosmetics
Added: 3 new face cosmetics
Added: Blacksmith Berranor, you can purchase items from here using scrap and recycle quest items for coin and scrap rewards.
Added: Scrap currency, you can find 1 - 3 scrap per round or recycle quest items for scrap
Added: Map Bribery, you can bribe Gatekeeper Berry into sending you to a location of your choosing
Added: Rare weather changes in the Hub World
Added: New mainmenu screen
Added: Random chance for Edgy Dave to change shirts
Added: New lighting to all of the maps
Added: New grass textures
Added: New radio broadcasts for Deh Legitimate Shop's radio
Added: Propaganda posters to every map, collect these for 25 coins but beware, Edgy Dave can have a chance of spawning for each poster ripped
Added: Propaganda that plays on the big TVs on Fork Factory's Parking Lot map, Platypus Pines' The Sacrifice map and Winky Wonky City's Rooftops map. You may deactivate the TVs for a big coin bonus, but risk spawning Edgy Dave early.

Fixed: A bug with crouching stopping you dead in your tracks
Fixed: A bug with the vending machines not allowing you to cancel out if you slid away from the box trigger
Fixed: A bug with CockEye unable to move in Platypus Pines' Camp Cojones map
Fixed: A bug with certain bookshelves sliding in the wrong direction
Fixed: A bug where AI could get stuck on the top of the main building in Fork Factory's First Target map
Fixed: A bug with Florgin's screen shaking persisting
Fixed: A couple animation bugs for the player character
Fixed: AI spawn locations in the double trouble event spawning inside of objects on certain maps
Fixed: Some arcade cabinet spawns being broken

64 Bit Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QXe4Imiphe2Ub1wTYAg4-GMuoEIr7sy-/view?usp=sharing
32 Bit Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/110R8nvHFrVlqhdKoGOGKL5YNY8B6nQPZ/view?usp=sharing


Typervader's Lair

Pretty cool update. I think it would be a good idea to have a guide that explains enemies abilites or more specifics on events, but it should be part of the unlock ables