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New content is coming to Dave.EXE very soon! One of these new large additions happens to be a brand new location with four map variations called, Winky Wonky City!

Aside from this, we're adding a bunch of new cosmetics, new items, one or two new killers, the blacksmith, randomized quests and a new scrap currency. Speaking of scrap, this new currency can be used to purchase items from the blacksmith. Items will no longer spawn on the map, they can only be bought and equipped from the blacksmith menu. But how does one obtain scrap? That's a good question, it can only be found by recycling quest items or finding 1-3 scrap that can spawn somewhere on the map per round. What? You thought I was gonna add a premium currency into the game? Never! Screw microtransactions my dude, we ain't ever gonna cave into those corporate bullshit practices!

I'm excited to get this update out to y'all as soon as possible, aiming for an early December release since we're almost done with the fourth map variation and I plan on adding a few extra things into this update before I ship it. Here's a couple screenshots to show off what we've been working on and what to look forward to!