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Here's a quick hotfix for Dave.EXE, fixing a bunch of bugs folks found.

Added: Rating disclaimer at the start so people know for a fact, Dave.EXE is an M game, lol
Changed: Loot Run quests to allow the Berry Bonus to count towards the Loot Run coin counter
Fixed: A bug with S'veeve's chase music not ending after a chase
Fixed: A bug where interacting with the TV panel and Duck Dens would sometimes cause the player to get stuck in the middle of an interaction
Fixed: A bug where +1, etc widgets weren't showing up for loot run quests
Fixed: A bug with the 300th coin missing Platypus Pines' The Sacrifice map
Fixed: A bug with the berry bonus being underneath the stairs in Winky Wonky City's Roaring Streets map
Fixed: A bug where Gatekeeper Berry had collision, which could result in some AI getting stuck inside of him

V2.1.1 Hotfix:

Added: A sound effect for picking up the ace of spades
Fixed: A bug where the ace of spades wouldn't pop up a widget showing you earned 250+ coins
Fixed: A bug where if you let go of a vending machine during a Vending Machine Interaction quest, the vending machine would no longer count towards the quest when interacted with
Removed: The 0.75 second delay when pushing a bookshelf. You will now be able to run and push them without stopping, improving the gameplay flow

Download 64 Bit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QXe4Imiphe2Ub1wTYAg4-GMuoEIr7sy-/view?usp=sharing
Download 32 Bit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/110R8nvHFrVlqhdKoGOGKL5YNY8B6nQPZ/view?usp=sharing