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As promised, here's the early version of me and my fathers reaction to the first episode of The Pacific. Enjoy! 😊 


The Pacific E01 'Guadalcanal/Leckie' - Reaction & Review!

Here we go folks! My father and I finally started The Pacific today, and this was a GREAT first episode! We cannot wait to continue this journey with you all 😄



Did you change your mind about the clock and syncing up and all of that?

Sonny Mike Olsen

No I just decided to do it in a different way, after a lot of folks here on Patreon suggested something like the approach we are going with when it comes to the full reactions. And it seemed like many agreed it would be easier to sync up that way. But I can try to throw on a timer as well, if that helps? 🙂


Not at all. I much prefer the reactions the way you were doing them what you are watching midscreen so we can see it also. i havent seen one yet, but i feel like it would be awful watching a reaction and having to sync my screen to my phone and to have to watch on 2 screens. Just caught me by surprise. Keep up the good work. Entertaining channel.

Sonny Mike Olsen

I get that. Syncing up the footage with your own copy or a streaming service (either on two different devices or two separate windows on a computer) does take some effort on your part. But the way we were doing it where we showed the whole episode, that was... questionable, legally speaking. And some people even threatened with reporting us. So we simply had to change it, for our own sake.


I understand and have been willing to try it...just havent had time. You provide good content. Keep up the good work.


have you heard of bit chute that's good site for full reactions etc etc check out youtuber GorTheMovieGod onyoutube channel he can explain everythibg

Sonny Mike Olsen

Thank you for the suggestion, douglas. But we are not going to change platform right now, and we will never go back to showing full episodes. Hope you can understand 🙂


where do you get that history podcast

Charles Edwards

You can get it via the podcasts app on Apple product or probably the Android or Google play store on one of their devices. I think he has his own web site. It is Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History. It takes him several months to produce each episode because of the amount of research he does into every topic to give you the most detailed and accurate story he can. They are quite good and very entertaining.


I think the extreme heat and conditions in the Pacific are equally as dangerous as the extreme cold in Bastogne. Given one over the other, I'll take Bastogne. I saw an interesting documentary on the Aleutian/ Alaskan campaign that was going on during Guadalcanal. I guess that was the only time Japan invaded North America during the war. Really interesting. I should revisit that documentary.

Catherine LW

I agree. I’ll take Bastogne any day because I hate bugs, and the jungle would drive me mad with all its critters. *shudder*


Your dad covered a lot of the preliminary info well. When you asked about the gun he was carrying, it's an older WWI machine gun. The USMC was kind of the bastard child of the military. Their budget was tied to the Navy and Navy filled their priorities first. Very often the Marines were fighting with bolt action Springfield rifles and Browning machine guns from the first world war instead of the modern M1 Garand rifles and 30cal mgs. Another note, the naval battle you see the night of the invasion was the worst defeat the US Navy had ever suffered. It wouldn't be the last. During the Guadalcanal campaign, the Navy lost men at a 5:1 ratio to that of the USMC losses on the island. The Marines at first gave the Navy guys a lot of heat for 'leaving' them alone, but the Navy always came back, wounded and battered to try to help. Like your dad mentioned, everyone was just learning how to fight this new enemy in an inhospitable environment.

Catherine LW

I’m reading about the Solomon campaigns and one interesting note about Midway’s disastrous effects on Japan was also the loss of experienced aircraft maintenance personnel in that battle. Another issue was the loss of experienced pilots for Japan. In the US, a good, experienced pilot, once completing his tour of duty, was removed from combat and placed as an instructor for new pilots. Japan used their experienced combat pilots until they were killed.