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What a freaking season finale! It was tense, it was hopeful, and then.. what the hell Zuko!
We are going to need some time to let this one sink in..


Avatar S02E20 Reaction FULL

This is "Avatar S02E20 Reaction FULL" by Kat & Sonny on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Perfect timing!!!! Yay.

Austin D

Totally get why you are upset at Azula. We are definitely supposed to be angry. I'm not mad at you for that, but I still wanted to give my analysis if that is alright! I would argue Azula handled Zuko's situation way better than Iroh. Iroh kept on saying to 'choose good', when Azula allowed him to 'choose freely'. At that moment, Zuko felt Azula was truly letting him decide his own path, while Iroh was basically trying to convince him to ONLY come to the good side. Iroh isn't a perfect person(however he is the closest thing to perfect lol), and that is why I love this second half of season 2. He became impatient with Zuko. For example, a therapist should never outright tell their patient what to feel. The best way to help someone who is struggling is to support them and allow them to make their OWN decisions. Iroh stopped doing this, and we see the result of that. I love this arc because it fools you into thinking Zuko would turn good, but if you really think about it, there is no way this would happen so quickly. It's unrealistic to think Zuko would change so easily. Iroh yelled and pressured him into freeing Appa. Zuko became 'sick' because it was such a huge betrayal of who was up to until this point. It wasn't Zuko's choice. Zuko needs to move forward on his own if he truly wants to reach his own destiny. He needs to face his father. He needs resolution. Like i said, I totally get why Azula feels one note and OP, but I wanted to say my thoughts :)


I guess Azula's words worked this time because she used the same strategy Uncle Iroh usually uses with Zuko - she gave him a choice (which is unusual for her). She knew Zuko would never side with her if she pushed him. Though all in all it is really upsetting how easily Zuko got swayed into betraying his uncle :(


This is not an angry comment. Just a little about Azula, Zuko and the Avatar State. Azula makes political moves. She doesn’t say words to manipulate people, she does actions and most of her power is an understood power because of her background as daughter of the fire lord. Azula’s ability is in her confidence, determination, and strategy. She uses her power and is confident in her knowledge of people enough to work around her obstacles. For example, the Dai Li, as Azula says in the episode, are already very “firebender-like” in that they were operating as thugs. Azula knows this, she does her research. It’s not unfathomable for a group such as that to default to the “stronger” leader, especially one whose nation will almost certainly take over the city at some point. The Dai Li shows no love for their city or people, they want to control power and are used to being controlled by power. This is what her speech was about. It wasn’t a couple of words that suddenly made the Dai Li switch sides, it was that they understood the power Azula, daughter of the fire nation, inherently has; and Azula knew the Dai Li would default to her side if she showed any amount of control. As she said, the guy was never part of the game because the psychology had already played out beforehand. That is her power: to understand and predict how people work and to position herself in ways that benefit her over time. It’s an important quality of hers for the future. Zuko is just not there yet. He is realistic because people do not change because of a few kind words. It’s actually Iroh’s attempt to change Zuko that is more difficult and would be more unrealistic should Zuko have changed so quickly. It’s actually Iroh who is attempting to change Zuko mostly through words and advice etc, not Azula. By default, Zuko wants to side with Azula and his Father (again Azula knows this). Therefore Azula did not change him with a few words; Iroh just understandably failed to change Zuko in such a short period of time. And Azula suspected Iroh would be unable to change her brother in such a short time. She could have said almost nothing to Zuko and he might have made the same choices. By giving Zuko the “choice to choose,” she knew she had made his choice for him. Zuko has indeed changed because of Iroh but change is often slow and volatile rather than sudden and stable. As for the avatar state. Remember that the state is a defense mechanism. Avatars are not immune from damage or protected by a force when in the state. They are easily killed like anyone else. Lightning tearing through their body kills them just like anyone else. The psychology of Azula shows up here, because rather than stand in awe of his power (like most people do when they witness the avatar state for the first time) Azula sees the opportunity and strikes. Lastly, she is “nice” to Zuko here because she is exactly not a cartoon villain. He is her brother. She sees opportunity to work with him—of course his help benefits her and she sees this also. She can share “love” but at this point it is very conditional. Should he work with her, she can work with him. Can’t say much else about any of that at this point.


I kinda undersand Sonny POV, altho we gotta remember that we have all the perspectives. Zuko have lived his whole life trying to get what Azula have, their Fathers love. It´s everything he knows and his whole existence revolves around it.


I thought it will be Kat who will be more disappointed with Zuko's actions but it was Sonny lol. I was also a little disappointed about how the Dai Li betrayed Long Feng so easily especially for an enemy combatant.


Poor sonny, I understand his pain and frustration haha, everyone has different opinions of Azula, some people hate her, some people love her. Stick by what you believe, nothing wrong with a different opinion

trinity hauyne

ah been waiting to see you guys watch this episode. zuko has been told for years now that he’s an embarrassment, his father doesn’t love him, and that the fire nation looks at him as a failure. in that moment he saw a chance to change all of that. we all know zuko is insecure (who wouldn’t be with constantly being told you’re worthless) and azula chose all the right things to say to play on his insecurities and trauma. poor aang, the avatar state gives him access to an otherworldly amount of power but unfortunately doesn’t give him any type of protection besides this increased power, his body is still as vulnerable as he is while he’s not in the avatar state. can’t wait for book 3

Libby DVR

Iroh waited patiently for 3 years, I don't know how that is pushing him. He tells him to choose his own destiny instead of the one others forced on him. Your interpretation of what Iroh was doing is waaay off. Therapists don't tell you what to feel but will absolutely confront you on your BS if they need to, they try to gently guide you there first. Which is what Iroh did. And I don't see 'telling him to choose good' is in fact telling him how to feel. He's telling him to think for himself. He's telling him that path is not what he thinks it is just like he tried to do with Azula in the first episode.

Libby DVR

Yes this. It's as simple as it was too much temptation to get everything he had been wanting. That's all. The cycle of trauma and abuse, the desire of every abused child to get their parents love and approval. Azula knew it was his biggest desire and used it to win, she knew she needed his help and that's all. Simple.

Libby DVR

I was raised in a cult, my sister, who is my half sister and had family and friends outside of the cult, is still angry with me that it took me years to leave. I kept starting toward an exit and going back. It's not a linear thing and she just didn't understand. The level of control that propaganda has on a person is hard to understand if you haven't been in it. And therapists say narcissistic parents act like a cult. They compare the two all the time. We've seen for two season how much he wants to go home. She knew how to play his biggest weakness. For me it's super believable that he would go back. Though it's also okay to be angry right now with Zuko. And on a writing level it's good that they aren't afraid to let their heroes fail. It keeps tension high, especially with something like the Avatar state that is so hard to beat, and it's good for character development.


Don't worry Sonny, pretty much everyone was upset with this episode when it aired. A lot of people hate Azula for being so powerful and cunning, but this is the first time I heard someone say she's not believable as a character. Interesting! Ultimately, I think you will find the direction of this finale necessary when having finished the entire show. Also, not sure if you caught it but the conversation between Azula, Zuko, and Iroh mirrors the nightmare Zuko had with the two dragons.


I think "A Goodwin TV" made a great analysis of this episode in his reaction. Whilst both Azula and Iroh plays a part in Zuko's decision, it's ultimately about Zuko's own feelings towards his father and 'honour. He doesn't know anything else, and at this day his biggest goal in life would still be to capture the Avatar. He expressed this frustation to Iroh previously, that he wants something more from life than serving tea. Zuko made a decision based on what he thought would make him the happiest.


I think this is a great finale. Because we all thought it would end in a certain way, but it didnt. I understand your anger, they make her so we all hate her. Which is way i love her because she is such an amazing villain, like a villain is supposed to be. She is a great written character. And i have to agree with Kat on this one. All Zuko wanted, for his whole life, was his fathers love and support. He had hope once he found the Avatar. But when he learned in the beginning of season 2 that there was no way of his father accepting him, he went through alot, he needed to find himself. He reminded himself that he was the child of the firelord and the rightfull air to the throne (episode 7). Even with uncles help, he was struggling all this time because he wanted his fathers love and acceptance. He didnt know what his destiny (he thought it was) was anymore and just lived day by day in Ba Sing Se. When he changed it was for maybe 2 days. A whole life against 2 days is NOTHING. If there is something that can pull you back you're so easily persuaded (i hope that is the right word). He was giving the chance to be good something his uncle has been teaching and learning him. But that was never what he wanted. He went with it for the time being because that was the only thing he had at the moment. Uncle and be good and find your own destiny. But when the moment comes you think you're given the chance to get that thing you were wanting your whole life... its easy to choose that path. He knows Azula is a bad person, but at that moment, her words and what he really wanted just took over. Im not gonna talk about Azula and you disagreeing with her just using a few words and people are changed. Someone already explained that in the comments before perfectly. So i will leave it at that. This is also why i sugested watching the finale togheter and not the last episode and chapter one of season 3 because you need a break after this finale. I didnt wanted to say: "you should do that because you will need a break after the finale" because it already felt like spoiling. You can already predict alot of things from just that xD. Also im not attacking you, just trying to explain some things and giving my opinion. I also think you react out of emotion which is completely normal to do. Im hoping that the comments that you're giving, are helping you to see the other side of things and if they dont, thats okay to. I also hope that once you guys are starting season 3 you both had the break you needed because that was one good emotional episode haha. Im not a native english speaker, so i tried my best to explain what i wanted to say. If you find mistakes or dont get the things i said im sorry XD. Btw: Kat i love your make-up, its so pretty <3


Just regarding the lightning strike, it's important to remember no one is immune to any element. If you do not directly counter the attack and it hits you, well you are really hit. It's the same reason why for example a firebender can not just tank a firebending hit, he has to actually defend himself or he will be burned (-> Zuko's scar). And lightning is a very powerful form of bending as it is so rare, Iroh has mentioned its dangerousness several times to Zuko. So getting hit by lightning is very serious, in fact it appears it has more or less the same effect as it would in real life. Azula took an opportunity like during The Chase where she saw the opportunity to attack Iroh. Here she did not let the hero power up like everyone else did, she saw the opportunity and went for the deadly strike that Aang could not in that moment defend himself against.


Zuko has always wanted to go back to his father's good graces and become the crown prince as he always expected. He isn't believing her, he just needs someone to endorse and affirm this desire. Azula gives him what he wanted to hear.


Azula shot him from the back, it was his blind spot. So Azula hit him easily.


Third season hype!


I agree with you but can you edit the last part of your comment. It's spoilers.


All I will say is that I was so mad at Zuko here. I understand why he joined Azula suddenly but that doesn’t excuse his actions imo. Poor Aang.


I’m sorry that you don’t find Azula’s character to be believable anymore Sonny. I won’t try to change your mind but I will ask you to consider from the very start of this season she has always been shown to be very manipulating and calculating with her words and actions. She even had to use such tactics on Ty Lee to make her join her.


I to sympathize with Sonny's reaction here.. This is an incredibly frustrating episode. After such a long buildup to Zuko finally doing the right thing, the BIG right thing, Azula sweeps in and so easily persuades him into taking a different path. But just remember, as much as Azula was a firebending prodigy, so to was she a prodigy at manipulation. In those flashbacks to when she and Zuko where kids, you can see that she was a major architect in building the personal insecurities that have pushed him forward in the entire show. Being the apple of their father's eye Zuko also sees her as the gatekeeper to their father's approval. That's what made her the blue dragon whispering into Zuko's ear in his dream opposite Iroh as the red. But because she played such a large part in shaping who Zuko is she was able to best Iroh in that struggle.

Kamau Catching

Great reaction guys. Though I am not triggered by Sonny's take I think he is looking it at it wrong. Zuko flipping back to the fire Nation wasn't just a product of Azula's persuasion. It was a product of him chasing the avatar for 3 years all the while yearning to come back home to have his throne back... to have his honor back. It's not about the words that Azula said it's about the things that she offered. He was so desperate to have those things he goes out on a limb to get those things and helps Azula. Whether it's infiltrating the North Pole or the Fire Nation compound as the Blue Spirit this isn't the first time Zuko foolishly risked his life to get avatar/restore his honor. So she offers his life in royalty back again and he goes for it. So Zuko is thinking she could be playing me but on the other hand she could be offering me my life back..so his better judgement doesn't prevail. Even at the end he is already questioning himself because he already had doubts but Azula tries to assure him and he just tries not to think about it. I think Zuko didn't fully believe Azula but helping her was his way back home. I think it makes perfect sense but is frustrating none the less. Thanks for the content!


I agree with your reaction and analysis of Azula, and I know it is frustrating to see Azula be so completely OP lol, but just keep in mind that the "honor" and the avatar is Zuko's Achille's heel. Let's not let it be confused, Zuko changed in all of ONE day. THAT is somewhat unbelievable, even with his development; he's been on the hunt for a seemingly wild goose chase for 3 years. the emotional toll could make him easily manipulated and vulnerable to get it all back to normal. Also he was RAISED in the fire nation, how can he leave EVERYTHING he's known?


I CANNOT WAIT for you two to start book 3 as well. i hate how this video had to end. i wanted to keep listening to more theories going into book 3. and the fact that sonny got so frustrated just proves how much this show means to you guys. kat got frustrated with zuko at some point in this season too and i love how she's so chill in this one xD let's go book 3! best finale season ever!!!


Meh, when you're wrong you're wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Sonny Mike Olsen

Please don’t invalidate my opinion. I love all the insight and arguments people are putting forth in the comments, but telling me outright that I’m wrong is not nice.

Ruma Risto

I completely understand Sonny's anger here. I hated Azula too when I first watched the series. But after rewatching the show a couple of times, she has become one of my favorite characters. And oh boy, am I amazed how well Kat seems to understand the heart of this show and especially Zuko's character. I can't wait for you to react to season 3.


I don't usually comment but man, some people are too passionate hahah. Your feelings towards both Zuko and Azula here are completely reasonable and relatable, I say that as someone who has her as my favorite character in the show. Good stuff as always


Just my two cents. I think it might be a mistake to take the show so literally. My personal opinion is that the big moments in ATLA should be taken as symbolic of a deeper truth/meaning/theme/ or a character evolution rather than something bound to Hard Fantasy and logic like you might expect out of A Song of Ice and Fire. Zuko's failure, for example, was essentially the punctuation mark to the entire Ba Sing Se arc. A simple trigger (along with the freedom to choose) sent him into a "trance" kinda like Jet in Lake Laogai and essentially the whole of Ba Sing Se itself. Zuko has been conditioned by abuse and is an addict to a false perception of himself, his family and reality in general. I kinda take Zuko's decision and Aang's failure as running parallel along the same idea.

Ever Borjas

Avatar state never granted invincibility. Just the knowledge of all past avatars. Their movesets.


Thank you for your review! It is very interesting to hear what you guys think. I understand your frustration about Azula's character Sonny because I think you really care for the Aang gang, Zuko and Iroh but I agree with Kat. I love how this show even gives us a manipulative/smart/talented bad person rather than just a "bad guy". Azula is one of my favourite characters because I am in aw in the things she can do just like I am in aw with Iroh. Can't wait to see you guys analyse Book 3.

Chris Truex

I think of Zuko as having an addiction. Many, if not most people with serious addictions relapse, and fail multiple times. He has had this stuff hammered into his head for his entire life. This new way of thinking and living has only been going on for a matter of months. When push came to shove, the familiar felt safer and easier than the strange and new, regardless of how miserable the familiar made him in the past. I also think that part of the issue is that he tried to restore his honor his father's way, and failed. Then he tried to restore his honor Iroh's way, and failed. He is neither Iroh nor his father, and I think that's important.

Ruma Risto

Exactly. Child abuse victims tend to have this insane need to please the very parent that has hurt them in the past. Zuko does love Iroh, but he still wants to prove himself to Ozai. It's so easy to make good desicions when you're at your lowest and around good people. But gaining his father's respect has been such an obsession to Zuko for so many years it would have been unrealistic for him to join the Avatar now. Zuko is such a complex and realistic character and his unpredictability just makes him better.


Zuko hears “fathers love” and loses his damn mind. He still can’t see that this “love” his seeking doesn’t exist with ozai and never did. I know Sonny said he’s not going to change his mind about Azula’s hold on Zuko but I wonder if that’s going to changes as they continue.


Nothing against Sonny at all, I totally understand his frustration. I'd imagine I had the same frustration at first as well. I think the show intended to make the viewer feel that way on the first watch, to feel as disappointed as Sonny was. It is a bit of dramatic irony that we think (as the viewer of this story) of Iroh's niceness (that we've seen) obviously overdoing the years and years of depression, anger, fear, loneliness, and pain Zuko's felt (years we haven't seen). Thank you for sharing your honest perspective on this Sonny, and I just would say that your perspective on this may change over time as many of ours have. All that said, this definitely felt like the gut-punch bad-guys-winning-big Empire Strikes Back finale of the show.


Another minor point I was thinking on: I'm trying to remember the few instances of Aang entering the Avatar state prior to this, it took a minute for him to come to full consciousness I guess lol. In season 1 when he saw Monk Gyatso, he slowly rose up and Katara pulled him down. In the S1 finale, he slowly rose in the water to join with the ocean. In the small Earth Kingdom city where that local leader made him go Avatar to save Katara, he rose slowly and destroyed the city. So, I think he may be vulnerable as you say, as he transitions to his Avatar form. I never noticed that until your reaction (after having seen the whole series twice before haha). Thanks again for your reactions, they make these times so much brighter for me <3


This is a great explanation! Pretty much sums up exactly what I myself was thinking, especially when I remember back to how I felt when I first watched it I can understand the anger and frustration. Zuko is such a nuanced character and his decisions are not always as clear cut as they may be in other shows.

Sonny Mike Olsen

Thanks! And yes we remember, that's also one of the reasons why we got so upset about it 😅


Wanted to mention re: Avatar state, I think Kat was right when she mentioned that Aang was not only entering the Avatar state but had to open the last blocked chakra (the cosmic one) hence why there was such a prolonged "power-up" stage. Still a stupid move to do surrounded by enemies, but I have to constantly remind myself that Aang is 12 and probably didn't know that this would happen. Typically going into the avatar state takes way shorter time (think back to Kyoshi splitting the island).


or any of the moments when Aang went into the Avatar State. It always just happened.

Libby DVR

Looking at this episode again. I don't think it's a matter of Azula convicing him or manipulating him. In the next episode he's very suspicious of her. I don't think his decision here had as much to do with Azula as people think. He convinced himself because he wanted to believe. All she needed to do was convince him that she could deliver on winning. Which is not a hard thing to convince anyone of. And if she won and he was on her side, maybe it could change things. It was actually very simple. Not some master manipulation but a tiny one built on his entire life of propaganda and self loathing, and desire to please his father, etc. etc. He hadn't changed as much as you imagined in this episode. He was glaring at Aang and rushed at him. So Azula didn't make a huge change in him with a few words, only a small convincing needed. Cus I think this is really Sonny's problem with this episode, she was tooo good, and it felt unbelievable to him, but I don't think it was a matter of her being so good, just him not being ready yet to let go.

Ashley Faith

100% with Kat on this one. It's not about Azula being believable, but about her laying everything Zuko wanted for the past few years right at his feet. His new better personality was only around for a few days as opposed to years of Avatar obsession.