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Hey guys! Here's a little Patreon exclusive for ya!

We hope you'll enjoy watching this fantastic Band of Brothers documentary with us, and the commentary and stories afterwards. 

Google Drive really knows how to pick some.. interesting thumbnails, by the way 🤦‍♂️

Let me know if you can't watch or download it, and then I'll add an alternative link.


We Stand Alone Together Reaction



Was really hoping to see Kat's reaction to this since she watched the whole series.


I’ve quite enjoyed having your father here for some of these. It’s always nice to have another veteran to chime in, especially an older, more seasoned one. Thank him for us.


I always thought you chose the thumbnails and were trying to be funny lmao


That big bad nazi sonnys dad mentioned was Otto Skorzeny, definitely a really fascinating but terrible guy! Btw another celebrity at Bastogne was Mel Brooks, who played Al Jolsen records on a loudspeaker in response to German propaganda broadcasts! I’m looking forward to Sonny’s dad’s reaction to The Pacific. If you guys or anyone is interested in some background knowledge on the pacific campaign there’s a really great podcast called Dan Carlin’s Hardcorce History that is currently doing a series on the pacific and the state of Japanese society at the time. PS is there a name can call Sonnys Dad other than “Sonnys Dad”?

Ian Forbes

It’s been so wonderful to re-experience Band of Brothers with you Sonny, and with Kat and your Dad. Great job all around! Looking forward to The Pacific. I tried to watch it years ago and it didn’t have the same hold that BoB did; I’m grateful that the upcoming reaction videos will prompt me to watch it in full finally.


Awesome to see this additional reaction! Looking forward for The Pacific


Will we be getting The Pacific this weekend in the BOB spot or is it starting next weekend?


So glad you reacted to this documentary of the guys from Easy company. Probably my favorite part of the whole series. You can see why we Americans will often refer to the men and women of this period as our "Greatest Generation" the things they endured and accomplished is quite amazing. With your father being a history buff I'm wondering if he has read the books for Cornelius Ryan, "The Longest Day, "A Bridge Too Far" or seen the British WWII Documentary "The World at War"? Good stuff to get more detailed learning about this period of time. Great story about David Niven!!


Great review guys. Definitely leaves you a bit speechless and no one can really say it better than the vets who went through it. Always enjoy Maj Olsen's contributions and I'm looking forward to the Pacific. On a lighter note, if you haven't seen it, I'd highly recommend the film "The Best Years of Our Lives". It was filmed shortly after the war and follows 3 servicemen returning home and how they dealt with re-adjusting to family life and society. Great classic that picked up several Academy awards.

Catherine LW

Some of my more recent readings about WWII history has been about production in the US. A Danish immigrant, William Knudsen (born in Copenhagen in 1879), emigrated to the US in 1900, when he was 21. He was a self-taught engineer, who worked in an auto parts factory. He rose through the ranks to eventually become the President of General Motors and was appointed by President Roosevelt to be Director of War Production during the war. He had a genius for management, production and logistics. Amazing story, for a man who came to the US with only a few dollars in his pocket, who rented a tiny bedroom in a boarding house as a factory worker, taught himself English and engineering, to rise to the top as he did. A great immigration story.


There is a really great documentary about WW2 that is about the mental effects of war. It follows one or 2 of the easy company guys and some of fhe Pacific. Its called "He Has Seen War".