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I explain all of it in detail in the video, but in case you don't have time to watch it, here's the short version: We have been doing full length reactions a certain way for a while, and we decided to do so, because a lot of people told us that is the way others do it. But we have now been strongly advised to stop doing it like that. That means full length reactions will soon have a timer instead, so that you can sync it up to your own copy of the episode.

We know this will make those kinds of videos less "attractive", so to say - and that is why we are also adding early reactions, where you get to watch the edited down versions before we post them on YouTube. It's going to depend on the show, but we are planning to post these sometimes weeks in advance.

Once again, if you wan't to know all the details and the exact reasons why we are doing this, then you can watch the video where I try to explain it all. And keep in mind I didn't prepare a written statement or anything, so it is more of a casual explanation.

If you have any questions, please feel free to post them in the comment section below.

Thank you so much for your understanding, your patience and your support!

We love and appreciate you all 💜 


Patreon Update!



could be worse


Ah, yeah, makes sense. I don't actually know other reaction channels that do this.

Josip Buretic

A I am patreon for some other channels and they all watch it with the original episodes.


Most channels have to make this change if they want to grow without being taken down by copyright. No worries!

Kirby Glover

Yeah it's better for fair use policies to do it with the sync timer


A lot of other channels I follow just do the format you guys have been doing. I get why you want to change but I do think this will turn a lot of people away, which is sad I know, but not everyone has a copy they can sync up with. For example, I have UK Netflix but may have seen the show you are reacting to, but it's not available on my version of Netflix, so how am I supposed to enjoy the reaction? I like seeing full reactions because a lot of the detail and conversation gets cut out in edited Youtube versions. If you want to do a timer, maybe have the video behind it, but the opacity is turned down a bit?


I am a reaction channel editor myself though, so I get why you want to do this. I am happy to chat with you with ideas if you need any help.


its fine, im going to support you guys anyway

Chris Truex

If i may make a suggestion? Rifftrax use bits of dialogue to facilitate syncing videos. Perhaps this will be too much work for you, but what about using a 10 to 15 second clip of what you're reacting to at the beginning, which will be far clearer then just using a timer. I can't imagine that triggering any legal issues, and it would make shows like Avatar, where you're cutting the intro, much easier to line up.

Michel Ferreira

Yeah I agree with this format. I mean, it will definitely provide you guys with some peace of mind. SUGGESTION: Do like other channels and keep a few seconds in the beginning and maybe a few seconds in the middle so it helps with the syncing. This way it won't infringe any copyright and it will help people out.


When I joined I was pleasantly surprised to see that you guys were doing full reactions with the full episodes included. I was also a little confused because I don’t think I’ve ever encountered reactors that do this. I wondered how it was possible that you were “getting away” with it (not to imply that you guys were acting with poor intentions or anything). I think this is definitely the right move legally speaking. As far as my personal preference for Patreon content goes, I’d definitely take full reactions (even if I have to sync with my own copy) over early YouTube edits if I had to choose. Either way, I’ll continue to support you guys ❤️ Also, will you guys be taking down all of the old “illegal” content? If so, will they be reuploaded in the new “sync with your own copy” format?

Irfan Malik

It's understandable to make the change now, seeing how YouTube, twitch and every media platform is cracking down on copyright etc. Best to cover yourself in case of potential penalties and/or strikes, which don't want to happen and lose one of my favourite reaction/streaming channels out there.

Sonny Mike Olsen

Thank you so much ❤️ And yes we plan on replacing them, but it’s going to be a lengthy process, so the old versions will still be available for a while.

Maria Hammon

I do that for a large number of sites so no worries! Keep being you!


This actually crossed my mind once or twice, so not entirely surprising and certainly seems like the right, "safe" move. I'll miss the self-contained full-length reviews, but it'll be fun to see how the sync works out =) Either way, you guys are doing an excellent job! Hang in there and be well!


No worrires, it's not the end of the world lol


I was wondering when they were going to start cracking down on full length on non-YT sources. It's a shame but very understandable in a pay service. Has Patreon posted any warnings about this for content providers?


One step back now but two steps forward long term!


I wonder if placing a semi-transparent watermark overlay would get around it? I've seen that with some reactors. I guess there's still the audio which might be an issue.


I know those full length reactions aren't necessarily legal, but how can Viacom crack down on them if they're all behind a paywall? I'm not saying you should keep doing it, but I'm just curious which big channels Viacom has cracked down on? YaBoyRoshi is a pretty big creator and he shows full episodes for everything including ATLA/Korra. I wonder why he hasn't been taken down yet.

Sonny Mike Olsen

It's not because anyone is cracking down right now, but it might happen, and we don't want to risk it, since technically it is a bit iffy to share full episodes of something we don't own the rights to. The reason why we are making an effort to change things right now, is also because some people have been threatening to report us because of how we are doing the full length reactions here on Patreon.. So yeah, it really sucks, we get it - but we want to be on the safe side, and if it means losing most of our patrons, then so be it.. We hope people will stay, of course, and that they will appreciate us doing early reactions as a new addition, to make up for the fact that you'll have to sync up the full length versions yourselves.


Ahh, I see. Sounds good. I won't mind syncing up since I love your reactions.


In the end this might not matter. Patreon is in deep with their own legal issues and recent court loss. If Sargon and other big accounts that got kicked off Patreon join in the mediation suits Patreon could be done. If you are counting on Patreon income and you do not have a back up your not in a good situation.


this one dude does full reactions on avatar using netflix but only shows the bottom part of the clip (so we can see the subtitles) and with no audio. i like it that way because it doesnt require me to actually sync the video to know which part the reactor is on. i know the show by heart by now so i don't mind just seeing the subtitle part and if we want we can still sync to get the full experience. it's just really a hassle sometimes when i watch with my phone because i cant open netflix at the same time. just something to consider :)


Whatever helps the both of you grow and helps make the content better for you, then I'm all for it! I know Sonny agonizes over the editing a lot so if this helps with that, then all the better. Love the both of you and always eagerly await the amazing content that comes next!


If i can offer a suggestion, I completely understand the logic behind this change and will carry on supporting you guys. Would it be possible to perhaps carry on with full reactions on older/outdated/completed series as you are now going to be going into the pacific, I watched the pacific years ago so I'm not sure how i'd be able to fully follow along. And you make the change with the timer for new/ongoing series which are definitely more at risk?




Omg you scared me though you were posting less. I have Netflix and the blue ray and I have multiple TVs, iPads and computers in my room so will have no issue syncing and watching on a separate screen. I never know why people would want to pirate this way if they have never seen it or don’t own it. There are much easier ways. Anyway I believe in have a copy of the thing if your gonna watch a full reaction. It’s hundreds of people’s art and it’s only right to have paid for it. Love you guys and I want to see your full reaction of the series and might watch Korra first time with you guys I never got over Avatar being over so have never watched the other show. Don’t worry I have the nick hits app on Apple TV too. You can’t worry about what other people think when doing what is best for you.

Sonny Mike Olsen

Don't worry, fren <3 Thank you for your encouragement and support, that's very much appreciated!


I understand the reason, but it would be tought to watch a reaction on 2 screens. I'm looking at one screen to see what you are reacting to and then i miss the reaction, itself. If i have it on tv, im looking down on my phone for you and up at the tv for the content. Would be tough to follow. Ill try, but, meh. Good luck. I like this channel. Hopefully you dont lose too many followerers. For me, personally, theblogistics is too complicated and takes away from the easiness of the idiocy involved with the entertainment of watching somebody watch something else. Ill give it a shot with The Pacific. Time will tell, i guess.


IM STAYIN' RIGHT HERE SONNY. You guys give the most genuine reactions ever, same with Natalie Goldberg. Best reaction channels and patreons. And she hides the screen too, people just have to adapt, find a second screen, find a way to watch the show/movie on another device, it's easy once you get used to it. Much love to you guys!

Sonny Mike Olsen

Thank you so much 💜 And yes that is the most common way of doing it, where people have to sync up the footage themselves. I believe both Blind Wave and The Normies are doing it that way as well, and they certainly don't lack subscribers and patrons 😅


Thanks for explaining. I came here for your reactions and thoughts. And that's what I'm still getting so I'm happy.


Fair Use should still apply to your full reactions if you only use the limited minutes of actual episode footage that are 'permitted' by fair use. You could spread the 10 minutes out over the course of the full video or just use all of the minutes in one section of the reaction.

Chaos T

There's a couple of reactors who do it exactly like the new format and it's fine. Content creators are trying to figure out ways for their videos to post and I think we as viewers have to adapt.


I think it's the reality that we live in these days unfortunately. But as long as we get to watch you guys in some compacity is better than nothing :).


Ok amigo! Faça o que tem que ser feito mas continue. Adoro assistir com vocês e espero continuar assistindo por um longo tempo. Vocês são como meus amigos que convido a minha casa para compartilhar minhas series favoritas, nós rimos juntos e choramos tambem. Desculpe não escrever em inglês (meu ingles é horrível). Seu amigo do Brasil, Jorge.


Hey bro, I have the footage, everyone should get their own material to see in sync with you guys. I'm ready. Just my opinion.

Arthur Tellez

it's time for heavy hitting TV Like... For all mankind (Apple) Firefly () The Morning show (Apple) the news room (HGO) Foundation (Apple)


Raised by wolves !!!