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Appa?! Where is he, and how do we get him back?
Even though there was a fair bit of humour in this one, it still got quite emotional..

We can't wait to continue this magnificent series!

As we stated in our most recent community post on YouTube, we are soon going to make some changes, especially when it comes to Patreon, so that is why this week is a little lean when it comes to uploads. We will put out a post with a video at the start of next week, that will explain those changes in detail 💜 


Avatar S02E11 Reaction FULL



That scene with Katara and Aang at the end always gets me

Kelsey Roberts

He's so angry and hurt and feels so alone. And all Katara can do is shoulder the hurt with him. They're both so helpless to the situation. It's beautiful and sad.


I mentioned in your last reaction that this series does a good job of making all of it characters important, even ones like Appa. Well ... that's all I'm gonna say on that for now.

Oron Bar

You can see the Vulture Bee actually cut in half. This is the first time Aang actually kills something, it goes against his nature and his beliefs. Aang believes that every life is sacred and seeing him in this state is devastating.


To add to the comment above. This is the first time that Aang deliberately intends to hurt someone in the series. Whenever we see him fight with a person or an animal before it has always been as non lethal as possible. He was raised by monks who taught him to always use violence as a last resort. So it is quite shocking to see the way he treated the vulture bee when it was unnecessary. Not unreasonable considering how much hurt and pain he was in from losing Appa.


Season 2: The emotional season. Ugh my heart. These episodes get me every single time :(


Katara was MVP in this epi. Lots of tears in this season. Aang losing a little bit of himself was very sad but I always tear up in the last scene.


one of the more emotional episodes in the series, this show is the quenchiest!


I noticed recently that some people have been having issues streaming and/or downloading episodes. Originally, like most others, I couldn't stream, but could still download from the Drive. Today I encountered the inability to download for the first time, BUT upon signing in to my gmail account, I discovered that I can now stream without any issues. Not sure if this will help everyone, but I figured I'd put it out there as a potential solution for people to try. Cheers!


Seeing Aang like this always breaks my heart, but it’s completely understandable. Loved that scene with him and Katara at the end. I’m glad that you understood Kat why he was acting the way he was. Appa is a part of him and his culture.


Aang crying in the Avatar state always gets me, the mix of rage and despair and sadness he must feel and he just can't control it, I think it's so beautiful


I like how you guys were able to pick up on the comparable significance of both Appa and Iroh to two of the series' main characters. And they're every bit as as juxtaposed in those relationships as those two characters are to one another. Appa provides an important grounding point to Aang's past, giving him some sense of continuity in a world that is very different from the one he once knew. Iroh challenges Zuko to expand and evolve and provides guidance towards that end. This is the first episode that really lays that out in unmistakable terms.


"TELL ME WHERE APPA IS." Me watching for the first time when I was 12: O_O'... Me watching for the millionth time 14 years later: O_O'...


This is the first time that Toph seen Aang entered the Avatar state.

Robert Kelly
