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Another extremely interesting episode, but with a sad ending yet again..
This season/book is really firing on all cylinders at this point!

Oh and we are pretty much halfway through the series now 😮


Avatar S02E10 Reaction FULL



You can skip epusode 12 if you're watching it on Netflix, but it also really doesn't matter if you do or not. Everyone loves Avatar, filler or not.


I don’t think you guys should skip any episodes in this series. They are all important in my opinion. The ending of this episode is sad. I love Appa.

Kelsey Roberts

Um? No? Why would they skip episode 12? It's not filler at all? It's actually an important emotional arc for a lot of the characters. Are you joking or trolling? I'm bad at reading tone.


It's sad how NO ONE READS PROPERLY. Take a chill pill Kelsey. I said they don't have to skip if they don't want too. I said if they're watching it on Netflix 12 is a filler. Netflix blocks up episodes differently because they don't want season finales into parts (with the exception of book 1). Read this. https://amp.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/4shusj/atla_which_episodes_where_really_filler_i_think_i/

Kelsey Roberts

I know what you said, and I know what I said. That episode features Serpent's Pass and the Drill and features some REALLY important character returns, and also a lot of emotional growth. You're not gaining yourself any support by doubling down. It's not filler and most definitely shouldn't be suggested to even skip.


Ah now I see why you're bad at reading tone. Your choice of words are just as bad. Passive agressive no doubt.

Kelsey Roberts

Hey. Don't attack me or my mental health either, please. You don't know my scenario. And I don't know yours. All I am suggesting is to take some feedback when a majority of the responses you've received have suggested that you're mistaken. You don't need to attack me. I suggested that I can't read sarcasm or joking in text, which is why I gave you a chance to explain. You decided to double down and attack me and say that somehow I misinterpreted what you were literally saying when in the next breath you confirm that I was interpreting you perfectly. I've already had an issue with miscommunication on this particular patreon channel, and I don't want a repeat. Just please leave me alone and accept that you do not agree with a majority of the fans about that particular episode.


I'm not attacking you (not intentionally). I'm just saying I understand what you mean about why you're bad at reading tone. I honestly don't care if they skip or not because AGAIN, I said everyone loves Avatar enough to watch everything. You can choose to think I'm attacking you or not, sounds like a personal problem.

Kelsey Roberts

You told me to take a chill pill and called me passive aggressive...don't backpedal now.


Dude, it's not like I used profanity and honestly, the way you type does look passive aggressive sometimes. No backpedaling here. I said to chillax because it's not a big deal and we shouldn't be causing a mess on a great reaction page. Messenger me privately if you want. EDIT: I also LOVE how you can joke around and imply sarcasm but when it's someone else you just get all insecure. Oh well.

Kelsey Roberts

I was never implying sarcasm. I am literally unable to read tone in text unless it's really explained...that's why I asked you to not judge my mental health please... Edit: Do I have to explain my mental health history in order to defend myself? (Still not sarcasm.)


This is absurd. Obviously they're reacting to the ENTIRE series from beginning to end. If there is an episode anyone deems "filler" and don't care what they think about it, skip it. Don't inject your personal presumptions in an effort to spoil this series for them. And with that said ... this series does a good job of driving home how important ALL of it's characters are. Even ones like Appa.


Sorry if I did and I won't imply on it anymore. It's relateable though, I used to be the same way. Glad we got that squared away. I should also say that I do agree about the character development in those episodes but it's still considered a semi filler.


How about we don't tell others which episodes are important and let them react to the series so they can form their own opinions? Telling someone that an episode is so unimportant that they should skip it while they are watching it for the first time is a weird thing to do. Don't like the episode? Don't watch the reaction. People should form their own opinions on media and art. Just enjoy the content.


When did filler stop meaning the episodes anime produce to fill time between manga releases and start meaning "Eh, I don't think it's that important of an episode". Seeing the term used in respect to ATLA at all seems off to me. Especially when the showrunners put effort into the episodes, it feels a little discounting of their art to label things like this filler.


How about y'all read the previous comments and quit spamming everyone lol


I want whatever this girl is smoking calling those filler. lol


The link you posted literally includes the words "I think" in the title. You are allowed to admit when you are wrong.


I think Wan Shi Tong is an awesome spirit and I love his voice especially

Kelsey Roberts

I think he is voiced by the dude who plays Joseph in the Princess Diaries and that makes my 13 year old heart sing.


I completely understand why Wan Shi Tong buried his library. Knowledge is power and power is only good when it's used to help and not destroy. We know humans would rather destroy than help so why not take away the power if they're gonna use it for destruction.


You're right, he's name is Héctor Elizondo! I love his voice!


I don't know why, but I always forget about how soon the Library episode is in Book 2. Lol! Toph and her blind jokes are amazing!! Wan Shi Tong is definitely creepy, but also pretty cool! Oh shot, I nearly cried when Toph said "I'm sorry Appa." Oh man, Spirited Away is one of my top favorite movies!!! Thank you both for the awesome reaction! I can't wait until the next one! Sorry my comment's all over the place, I was typing as I watched


Why would you even bother saying this? Opinion or not, it's essentially just as bad as spoiling. On top of that, you've been completely disrespectful to Kelsey. We're all here to indulge in some nostalgia and to share our thoughts/opinions on episodes that have ALREADY been reacted to. Seriously, what the hell are you even getting at? Take your passive aggressive bullshit somewhere else. No one reads properly? Lol idk about that. It seems pretty clear to me that you're an asshole. Sounds like a personal problem. Oh well.


“You think you’re the first person to believe their war was justified?” You could argue that Wan Shi Tong was speaking from a position of naivety here, but... idk. It still gives me chills.


An interesting note is that in Chinese culture 'ten thousand' is synonymous with infinity so he who knows ten thousand things is basically the same as he who knows all things


This is very good to know. Every time he says that my first thought is "Knowing 10,000 things isn't particularly impressive. " Thanks!


Cant wait for the next episode!!


Great reaction to this episode, super sad that Appa got captured!! Also, can we all take a moment and clap for Toph? She literally prevented an entire huge LIBRARY from sinking for what seemed like forever!