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We were so anxious going into this episode, because of what happened at the end of the last one.. But we quickly found out whether or not Iroh got mortally wounded, and then we got to see a lot of training and different teaching methods. All in all, another amazing episode! 


Avatar S02E09 Reaction FULL



Such a great episode. "Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source." Possibly my favorite Iroh quote. Mako (the voice actor for Iroh) is truly a gem. Not a spoiler, but something to note later in the series - Mako died after season 2 and they had to have a different person do Iroh's voice in season 3. Thankfully the guy they got (Greg Baldwin) does a very good job of replicating Mako's voice


I think Zuko was referring to his dad or sister when he was shouting at the sky. "Well I can take it and now I can give it back." He's always felt worthless to his dad and compared to his sister he thinks he's nothing. I didn't really get it until I saw him cry at the end.


Loved seeing Aang learn to Earth bend. Toph is a tough teacher, but it’s needed for Earth bending. Love the animals in this show and how excited you guys get whenever you see them.


So, which element are you? :)


Anyone else not letting them see the video?


God I love this show lol The four elements could have been such a surface-level "superpower" sort of thing, but they made it so much deeper. Not only did they base each fighting style on real martial arts that make sense for each element (ie Baguazhang's constant circular movements for Airbending), but they also baked in this extra level of philosophy and culture that is just so endearing to me.


I had the same issue, but you can download the file from Google Drive.


I think under the surface I have the soul of an Airbender, but in practice I'm probably more in line with Fire unfortunately lol


Zuko crying at the end always gets me. He's so desperate for his father's acceptance.


Can even download it says to try again later


One of my favourite episodes! Not unlike The Storm with the Aang/Zuko parallels


I would say Toph did use positive reinforcement. At the end she said "Do it now! You just stood your ground against a crazy beast, and even more impressive, you stood your ground against me. You got stuff."

Irfan Malik

Looking at the thumbnail, is Kat about to do a karate chop on Sonny?!


A Star Wars mention! I can safely say it won't be the last. And it's not a matter of this series copying Star Wars. It never really comes off as that at all. Some things didn't really hit me I had time to retrospect. As you guys have reacted to this series Kat has often talked about tropes and the two have a lot of the same ones in their DNA. This show tends to go at them in a way that makes the two distinct from one another. When it's all said and done and you ask yourself "Which did it better?" ATLA, for me at least, can hold it's head high. And I love SW.


Sonny: "Are you ready?" Kat: 'shakes yes ... shakes no, shakes no with passion' Kat is adorable haha And what i LOVE about you two reacting to this show, is that you really listen to everything they say and talk alot at the end. You understand whats happening and you notice alot of the little bits and lifelessons they give you. Thankyou for being so respectfull to my favorite show :D!


Yet another episode that proves just how amazing Avatar truly is!! Iroh and his wisdom, I love him so much!! Thank you both for this reaction!


Remember there is a difference between Azula's blue firebending and lightening. I guess they look very similar but being hit by lightening would probably hurt a lot more :)