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Because of so many new people joining the Patreon, and the fact that most of you guys probably did so because of this series, we decided to watch and upload the next episode as quickly as possible, as a little extra thank you for supporting us!

We really hope you enjoy the reaction 💜 


Band of Brothers E03 Reaction FULL



In this episode there is the first of the view major screw ups the screenwriters did. It is statet that Private Blithe get shoot in the neck and never recovered from the wound he recieved and died shortly after the war ended. Thats actually not true. Aside of this he is portraied rather squemish and as a sort of whiny character wich is also not true. Actually he was shoot in the collar bone and was evacutated to England where he recovered and recieved the Purple Heart. He was send back to the US for further recovery and got dismissed after the war ended. He worked for Westinghouse and later reenlisted to fight in Korea. He attended to reunions of the 101st and died in December of 1967 of a ruptured ulcer while attending to the ceremonys held for the Battle of the Bulge Day in that year. He was rushed to an Army Hospital in Germany but it was already to late for him. He was burried in Arlington National Cemetary with full Military Honors. His family was quite unhappy about his portrail in the show and protested but for some reason it was never changed.


Awesome! Can’t wait to start watching. I initially joined for more Avatar, but was pleasantly surprised when I saw you guys had started BoB. A classic for sure. Does anyone else feel like the “mini” or “limited” style series is a superior storytelling format for TV? After enjoying the hell out of Chernobyl (and Kat and Sonny’s reactions of course 😄) I started to think about the rise and steep decline of a certain very popular show also made by HBO, and wondered if the scope of GRRM’s imagination was too big for TV.... Thoughts?


About the Edelweiss thing its a misconception. Actually its the Symbol of the German Mountain Troops not the Paratroopers. Aside of that the Training facilitys for the German Fallschirmjaegers where nowhere near the Alps wich made it highly unlikley an actual Paratrooper would carry one. As a matter of fact any Fallschirmjaeger caught by a Gebirgsjaeger carrying an Edelweiss would end up roughed up for sure since the Mountaintroops where very proud about their symbol.


That was not a medic you were referring to, but a chaplain conducting last rites.


Shooting Medics was against the Haager Landwar agreements both sides offically agreed on (US and Germans). Sad fact though in later war and especially on the Eastern Front and in the Pacific this got deliberatly ignored by Germans especially the SS and Russians alike and there is hard evidence that Japanese soldiers even got special training to identify and kill Medics on purpose. There was actually cold logic behind this. If you wound a soldier a Medic and probably up to 3-5 other soldiers will come to cover and tread him and than bring him to the rear. If you shoot a medic even more will come to save him cause often Medics where the Heart and Soul of their Unit and many men own them their lives so they will do anything to save them an thus become targets themself. And shooting a Medic was a huge blow to the Moral of his unit cause without him there is noone to save the others. Japanese Snipers got trained to look for often unarmed Soldiers with red crosses on their Helmets or with more bags than other Soldiers filled with bandages. They got so effective that the Army and Marines stoped marking their Medics and rather disguise them as regular soldiers and even issue them weapons.

Mark Wood

This is a show that in some ways every adult should watch, even if it can be very uncomfortable. The show does a really good job of humanizing soldiers (and on both sides) for good and ill (seeing how people handle the stress and what events they have to go through. I tend to watch this at least once year. Watching Kat, I feel so bad for her, but I truly think this is one of the finest things put to film about war.


Whoooo Hooooo another BoB episode already. Kind of surprised no one has said this yet but this is probably the most glaring error in the series. Albert Blithe didn't die in 1946 or 1948 whatever was said. Albert didn't die until 1967 complications from some kind of surgery. The story goes that because he never showed up for any of the reunions the guys thought he must have died and that is what theytold Stephen Ambrose the author. Who didn't bother to do any research on the matter. Well when the series aired the Blithe family was understandably upset about the incorrect date of death. The laundry scene is one of my favorites it's a very subtle way to show some of the loss the 506th has experienced. Malarkey knows those men are MIA(Missing in Action) or KIA(Killed in Action) and you can see how uncomfortable that makes and he doesn't want to tell the woman that all those men are dead and not coming back. Something I want to point here because for me it becomes important in a later episode airborne units vs armored units bad for the airborne. Hang in there Kat, loved your analysis/analogy of Blithe's story and the Edelweiss.


And while not shooting at them is encouraged he really was being a fucking psycho. American religion, ooooh boy.


"Who gave that order?" Kat "THAT ONE DID" LOL, making the 5 bucks so worth it!

Sonny Mike Olsen

Did Sonny not include a text or something about how we know of Blithe? 🤔 we talked about it the other day EDIT: He forgot to do that


That part at the end, where Kat talked about winters. He is regarded as one of the finest most motivational leaders in modern American history as far as I know. I love the actor because of this show, I recommend him playing a bad guy on the showtime show Billions if you like him as an actor.


Kat and Sonny, I always felt that Blithe was faking the blindness but that Winters comforted him and let him know everyone was afraid and he realized her he had to get out there because he was letting them down and felt guilty about how winters was overcoming the same fear. The idea he was actually blind never crossed my mind at all. I am curious (just from a getting to understand your thoughts perspective) did the idea he was being a coward cross your minds (not that he was, just the concept) or was it 100% he was actually blinded when you were engaged with the scene?

Josip Buretic

Great reaction like always, I have one thing to point out and that is:Kat I love your "Fear of the Dark" T-Shirt Iron Maiden 🤘🏻😎❤️


Great discussion!


Regarding the shooting of medics and chaplains; it might be difficult to imagine, but the western front of the European theater was the most “humane” area of ww2. The eastern front was an absolute nightmare, and the pacific campaign was vicious. It’s not really talked about in the west, but the racial ideology of the Japanese makes the nazis look like Girl Scouts. As another commenter pointed out, they specifically shot medics, as well as shooting wounded soldiers on stretchers. I think the Germans and Americans on the western front were glad they weren’t fighting the Russians and Japanese. If you are thinking of watching The Pacific after this be aware that it’s much grimmer in tone, as the war in the pacific really was.


PS I love that all the commenters have clearly watched History Buffs BoB video!


It shows the reality of war.


Blithe is lucky that Winters was there instead of Gen. George Patton, or he might have been slapped. If you're familiar with the story, Patton was reprimanded for slapping a couple of soldiers who were shell shocked while visiting a medical facility. He called them cowards in front of everyone. What a piece of work that guy was.


Damian Lewis does an amazing job in everything he's in Band of Brothers, Homeland and Billions. For years are watching this series I did not know he was British.

Robert Kelly

BoB is a good representation of WWII in Europe for US forces. Writers did take liberty with some of the story. What I would say is pay attention to the real life interviews you see at the beginning. If I remember correctly some interviews were at the end of the episode too but I can't remember. Pay attention to the names of the men talking also. It is not a complete picture of the war but it is a good example of Easy. BoB helped me answer some questions I had for my father who was an Army officer when I went into the Coast Guard. That whole statement of just accept the fact that you are already dead was something I even learned in the USCG. What was beat into our heads was no matter the circumstance if there is a search and rescue call that you have to go out, you do not necessarily have to come back. So there it is. Accept you are already dead and your mind can go ahead with getting the job done. In the TV show West Wing the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs says something to the political leaders. Quit trying to make various actions in war a crime. War is the crime. Everything else is a matter for the victors.

Sonny Mike Olsen

I can't speak for Sonny, but I certainly doubted him, until I saw how he did not react to visual stimuli (that is very very very hard to fake). After that, I didn't doubt him for a second.


Hey CG, death by snu-snu from dolphins?:) PS infantry joke :)

Robert Kelly

And the vision of the Deep from The Boys trying to save a dolphin just entered my mind, haha.


I agree The Pacific is much darker but i tells the story how easy it is to turn in to an animal and how hard it is to become a human again after it way better and with greater psychological undertone. I found this approach very interesting cause it lets you create an even stronger bond with the characters as in BoB. Eugenes Story in particular is hearthbreaking.


Winters was the leader we all wanted in the Army, someone who could lead from the front without being a terrible person. Far too many "leaders' are just people who shout orders without understanding them or the consequences of their orders. You know from watching Winters that he knows what he is ordering and he isnt afraid to follow through with those orders himself.


Blithe did not die 4 years after. He died in 1967, he also served in the Korean war. Thanks for watching my favorit series. Awesome job. Ps, you are the first Patreon that ive sub for

Maria Hammon

I love watching this with your fresh eyes. I've seen this more than I care to admit because I love the series. I think Damian Lewis knocked it out of the park on this one and Homeland (the first season). Hurry up and watch more!


I've watched this series so many times already and it never gets old. It holds a very special place in my heart since this is the show i watched with my grandfather and we would talk about it for hours after watching it. Your videos give me the feeling of watching it for the first time again together with you guys, so please keep up the good work. The next episode will show you the city where I was born and the town I grew up in, Eindhoven and Nuenen. Greetings and lots of love from the Netherlands!!!


Love you two! I decided to support you because I wanted to see the full reactions. Well worth the money, imo. Cheers from the U.S.A.