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Here it is for reals this time! Sorry for the confusion earlier in the week.
But man.. this episode was really amazing, and it seems like we are gearing up for a really heavy and action packed season finale!

We hope you enjoy the reaction 💜 


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Douglas Kelley

I love y’all discussion about waterbending 😁


I think Sonny was spot on about their inner drive contributing to their bending


I recommend watching ep19 and 20 one after another since it's a season finale after all


I can’t wait for you to start book 2!


I think it’s like Joa with a j, even though it’s not spelled that way.


It's definitely Zhao (赵), which is a very common last name for Chinese. You can click on the below link for the pronunciation in Mandarin: https://translate.google.com/#view=home&op=translate&sl=auto&tl=en&text=%E8%B5%B5


Yeah, I babysit for a woman from Nigeria who's marriage was arranged. Honestly, I was pretty surprised when she told me, I just never really thought about it. From what I've seen she's fine with it, but of course I only see a small part of their lives.

Ashley Faith

Ah man Kat's reaction to humans being mostly water makes me really excited to see your reaction to the Puppetmaster episode!