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The Clone Wars S07E11 Reaction FULL



Oh, man I am so mad at Mace Windu, he is the jedi most responsible for the fall of the council imho. First the cocky way he told Ashoka her being betrayed was a great jedi trial and she should basically be thankful it will make her into a stronger jedi. Which directly looks like it led her to decide to quit (I mean of course the other reasons but in that episode you see her visual reaction to his tone deaf statement) Now in this one, his cold citizen rebuttal led her not to tell yoda about Anakin. If she had simply told Yoda he would have been able to intervene ugh, still watching just so painful.


The music is very Blade Runner in the first half. Imagine if we had these episodes before Rebels. Every fan would be scared shitless for Ahsoka and Rex here =)


It feels like they were going for the mood of the music playing in this scene where Anakin and Padme looked towards each other as Anakin stewed on his final decision. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B_w2s0GOMU


I am extremely impressed btw Sonny at your quote re-memory powers, I often do similar things (say the words out loud perfect timing) it was funny seeing you do it so well. Bravo.


Yeah this last arc has been truly something special. I wouldn't be surprised to see them release some sort of feature length cut with all four of them edited into a single movie. Oh and the droid that sounded like Chopper wasn't him just the same series of astromech (C-series).

Sonny Mike Olsen

That would make sense, at least! Oh and thank you, I forgot to look it up after watching the episode 😅

Sonny Mike Olsen

Thank you so much! I’m sure some people will find it annoying, but I just can’t help myself 😂


Aww Sonny, I got emotional seeing you get emotional. Hugs buddy <3