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We just posted the latest reaction to The Clone Wars, and if you can't see that or any of the older posts, then it means you unfortunately haven't changed tiers..

Let us know if you're having any problems with payment or otherwise.

There are previous posts where we explain the reason for these changes, and what the consequences are for not changing to the new tier.

If you have already paid for this month, and you still want to change to the new tier, or just unsubscribe, then we can give you a refund.

But all of you who are still members of the old 4 and 6 dollar tiers, you wont be able to see any of the new content, even though you've paid. It's unfortunately the way Patreon works, and there's nothing we can do about it.

Letting the old tiers continue wouldn't be fair to all the people who have switched to the new 5 dollar tier.

Thank you for your understanding and your support!

Stay safe y'all, much love and big (socially distant) hugs

Kat & Sonny


Irfan Malik

Done, or at least i hope i've done it correctly! :P


I don't get how your subscription works. I subscribed at April 30, it charged 5$. And Today it charged 5$ again? Why am I paying for 2 months?


I think Patreon charges patrons the first of every month, regardless of when you initially sign up. From now on you should only be charged the first of each month.


i thought so too, but it charged 10 $ for no reason


Yeah, it can be a bit confusing. Simply, Patreon uses a different method for charging patrons and it's something that's out of Kat and Sonny's hands. When you subscribed on April 30, you were charged $5 for the month of April (even though it was the last day of April). However, Patreon charges ALL patrons across its platform the tier price they signed up for on the 1st of each month, regardless of when you initially signed up. So that's why you were charged again on May 1 (for the month of May). Your next charge will be on April 1 and so on. I signed up for Kat and Sonny's patreon earlier this week and was charged again on May 1. Though, I knew this going into it so I didn't mind. lol Hope this helps :)


Well it was confusing, cuz it didn't work like that for my another patreon subscription. It's ok though


Wow, really? All three subscriptions I have are like that so I just assumed that's how patreon did it. Who knows...lol


Pretty sure they all work like that, no clue what happened with Egrassa.