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Holy sh*t, this show!
It seems like the entire planet they're on is malfunctioning, or something?
And that ending.. pheeeew! We are both excited and nervous about what's to come..

Enjoy, y'all 💜 


The Expanse S04E06 Reaction FULL


Christopher Alexander

Great reaction. On the Mars -> Belt connection, they all but spelled it out during this episode. The Soujourner was using MCRN encryption technology as it was crashing towards Earth. Where else have we seen Mars communication equipment this season?

Christopher Alexander

I think that Kat is really going to appreciate these next few episodes...she'll get a chance to put that biology degree to work 😉

Dan Guisinger

Having watched it multiple times, I just finally picked up on Bobby's "You served" comment..... kind of weird, I thought *all* martians served, hasn't that been said in multiple episodes? Kind of confusing that she'd be surprised in that case....


Ohhh yeah. Major binge bait at the ends of these episodes, for sure. Thanks for the reactions, y'all. Great insight as always!


I always thought that "all martians serve," but that the phrase included non-military service as an option, through the terraforming projects or even junker jobs. I could be wrong. Either way, I think Bobbie was saying that to try to fish more info out of the guy.


The moon just melted, loved it in the book. 12 moons.


The moons are not natural, I think they had a throw away line in the first episode if not in the books it is covered, the moons are equidistant and are not natural orbiting bodies. The protpmolecule tech shut down fusion when the reactor blew just like the nucleus slowed things down in the void, a quick simple emergency fix for whatever happened./


The woman who was bobbies nephews girlfriend is an adult, they are in college.


Whoops, but does a moon still count if it was melted :-P (I stand corrected lol)

Bryce Carlson

You have to realize that the shockwave that hit the Belter settlement was the equivalent of a Category 5 hurricane. As a survivor of Hurricane Katrina, I can attest to the level of carnage that would be produced.

Bryce Carlson

And the entire arc of Bobbie being on Mars is to show the audience the disintegration of Martian ideals and ethics in the aftermath of the opening of the ring-gates. Why spend generations terraforming Mars when there exist perfectly habitable worlds beyond the ring.

Bryce Carlson

The moon "melted" but was still in its orbit. Remember how Eros "warmed up slightly" when it violated physics by dodging the Nauvoo? 'Tis likely that whenever the protomolecule contravenes physics there is waste heat that needs to be soaked.


I think ew pretty much sums up that interaction. The crooked cop certainly didn't look like he was into it.


I do not know, the book does not give super details but I always got the impression that the torpedo broke the core machinery down in some significant way or miller turned the moon system back on and the billions of years of idleness broke the moons transmutatitive power systems and the fusion reactor blowing was related to the moon melting and not the steps afterwards. I love the world building and no one knows for sure, but the idea of an entire moon melting in orbit is amazing to me. I believe the planet makes lithium and the giant tooth thing is a harvester, the lightning is the process of making the lithium and the little flying metal insects are part of the whole thing. (maybe they take samples to check for purity or something. The builders are fucking fascinating.


The melting moon glowing red was eerie. It's amazing that any of the technology still works after being dormant for billions of years.


Yep, and it is a change from the books, all the bobby stuff happened off screen (page?) in the books. Mars was unified by it's ideals and the generational dream of making a livable home. Now there are 1300+ worlds to choose from it makes little sense to terraform a shitty one. The entire Martian pathos of being an advanced underdog fighting for a common dream is crumbling.


Loved this episode, the intensity and mystery. It kinda reminds me of Noah's Ark from the bible.


They can thank Holden for bringing the Miller plague with him.


Easily the most stressful episode of season 4. Except for the next 4 :-)


OOh , I really like your speculations here! Never thought much about how that all worked in the past after all my reading and watching!


Her name is Leelee and she is in the novella but more of a very minor character. I like what they did with her in the show. One of the other reactors hilariously called her "hair girl"! and the nephew is David Draper.


So fun fact: At about 31:06 of your reaction they focus in on the subway map arriving at Aterpol station. The station just upstream is Ruffcorn which is the name of one of our most steadfast Screaming Firehawks, Belinda! The writers threw in nods to the Screaming Firehawks and early reactors here and there in Season 4 to thank us for saving the show.