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We are now halfway through season 4, and we are savoring every second of this magnificent series.. We don't want it to end! It's too good!

Enjoy the reaction, guys 💜 


The Expanse S04E05 Reaction FULL


Robert 'Jemimus' Kloosterhuis

I can tell some of this material is hitting pretty close to home for you guys. I really appreciate you putting yourself out there with these honest and very personal reactions. Stay strong you two.


The great thing about this show and the old BSG is that it truly shows how much it sucks to be in charge. There's plenty shows that focuses on the themes of power, people working to rise up in the ranks etc.. Even old Star Trek shows barely touched on this concept of exactly what it means to be in charge. That little incident that prompted Avasarala into making a decision is a lose-lose situation for her. If the ship was really defective, she just shot down a bunch of innocent civilians. If it was an OPA dark ops to disable planetary defense system, her letting it go might have compromised their security, which in then might have led to tens of thousands potentially dying. Of course the Nancy Gaos will always act like captain hindsight and point the finger whenever the situation benefits them, but had she been in charge, she probably would have came up with the same decision. This is why despite all the alien plot, realistic science.. the writing and the question it asks the viewers is what's so compelling.


Great reaction and discussion. I don't think I've ever seen Kat so emotional so something struck a chord with her. Good job Expanse!! I wonder how much information about the ring has been given to the people of the Belt, Earth and Mars. Seems like all we hear is it was made by an advanced civilization and it's a gateway to 1300 (habitable?) solar systems and the race that built the ring is gone so those systems are up for grabs. We never hear, oh by the way they were wiped out by something and it might still be out there. Let alone if we encounter whatever it is and it's not friendly we have no hope of stopping it from wiping us out too. I think that's Chrisjen's real fear not another Eros or maybe that's just my fear. I understand the appeal those systems must hold for the desperate people in their over populated system. I still think it's smarter to give the powers that be some time to try and make sure these systems are some what safe.


The doctor in me loved this episode with Lucia directing Alex how to cauterize her bleeder. That was pretty intense. And I also loved Naomi's discussion about her history and her role in blowing up a ship at Luna and how this made her consider suicide. That was a beautiful moment between Naomi and Lucia and very powerful. Enjoying your reactions as ever!


OK, we are far enough in to explain some book only "THEORIES" about the planet since no spolilers. 1. The 12 moons transmute matter into Lithium for the aliens to harvest, those lightning bolts are probably what make the lithium which is why they keep talking about the purest reserve of lithium ever and why the camp is both on the path of the harvester which is lithium rich. It shut down billions of years ago on the path to harvest it. 2. The explosion was a power generator which had some faults a billion years ago. 3. They show it briefly but do not mention it but one of the moons literally melted, it was molten which I imagine is related to the generator. Most people think this book was the worst but I LOVE the alien history and this book touches most on it. 2.


I was very happy to see the reaction to Copenhagen I am still watching the last 20 minutes but I hope you go back and see what global warming did, they also call it the "Gulf of Denmark".


Oh and BTW, in E1, Drummer talked about setting up com relays in about 40 of the gates (and joked about only 1300 more to go) and that was part of the role of Medina Station. One of those Com relays is to Ilus (New Terra) and used by the Belters to communicate back to Medina. And Gao talked about the probes sent through the gates not finding any advanced alien life to be concerned about. The implication is that there are habitable planets in each of these 1300 solar systems similar to Earth as though that was what the protomolecule was seeking (or the builders were seeking) in the first place. REally interesting discussion!!


To clear up, every single ring has a habitable system, Holden mentions it in the ending monologue from season 3. The belters made a break for the rings and 4 ships got through and only the 1 called back on Illum. Avarasala wants to go very slow so we do not have more eros incidents or worse. Holden is worried about the ancient aliens and what Miller means and the rest just see hope and the new land rush.


Very nice backdrop. I enjoyed your reaction to Copenhagen, did you see any familiar landmarks? What did you think of their take on it 250 years in the future? In the second episode they showed a bunch of bodies floating near the ring which I believe was the crew of the Sojourner.


The other thing from the books is Basic does not mean you starve, basic takes care of your needs pretty much, it is just not alot of hope and not alot of future potential.


(sorry it is probably annoying to post so much as I am watching lol) They are exploring very much, but it takes time, remember each trip from a ring to a planet can take a month. It has only been a couple of years since the gate opened.


GAO wants to let people go and do the exploring, particularly earthers. On top of this Belters can not live in gravity wells so they are seeing the hopelessness of getting a piece of the Expanse because the wellwalla's are already dividing it up. In short Gao wants to rush and use the new opportunity to give those 6k people a meaningful existence and Avarasala wants to go really slow and make sure it is safe first.

Sonny Mike Olsen

We did, and it is very sad but also very realistic. But we did end up using it as a background for this one 👍

Sonny Mike Olsen

It is unfortunately a very realistic future for Copenhagen/Denmark overall.. but yes we did notice some familiar landmarks 👍


I wonder if part of Gao's message about the protomolecule being able to be used is our glimpse at what the public information level about it is. We saw firsthand what the protomolecule could do and how easily it infected people, but random people on Earth might have no clue. To them and Gao it may be an opportunity simply because they haven't seen how bad it could be. They might only know it infected a bunch of belters ("Who cares?" they'd probably say) and at one point a big rock full of the stuff and the remains of said belters was flying itself to crash into Earth. So it seems like some have brushed off the threat because they never felt any real loss from it. Or I wonder if part of it is the sort of desperation I think I'd also feel if I were one of 6000 fighting for one career chance. "Any job is a job." I'm sure studying the protomolecule would be an endless research project that'd need a LOT of people working a lot of hours.

Sonny Mike Olsen

I actually edited out a whole sequence where I talked about that scene with Naomi and Lucia, and how I relate to it. But I figured it was way too personal, and that people wouldn't really like that.


Great reaction! One thing I always think about in the battles between Belters and Inners is that the Belters have good reason to be suspicious of and even hostile toward Inners. After all, the Inner planets have spent generations living off of resources mined by people in the Belt, while Belters themselves have had to endure substandard living conditions. I don't agree with the Belter group on Ilus/New Terra blowing up the landing pad, but I do get why they wouldn't want people from yet another Earth corporation coming to this new planet and trying to extract its resources and leave Belters out in the cold. I also think about the fact that the Belter group on Ilus came from Ganymede. They not only saw their homeland destroyed, they spent the aftermath of that looking for a place to relocate and being turned away from every place they went to. So, Lucia's motivation makes sense to me, even though I don't at all agree with her methods. In their relationships with Belters, Inners still have a lot to answer for.


Yeah ^, one thing I think the show does not as good is really convey the horror of being a belter, they are part slave labor part victim of racism. They live in apartheid conditions and are killed for profit. Think back to the butcher of anderson station scene, their kids are born and suffer brain damage due to hypoxia . The show does not focus on that reality nearly as much as the belters violent response to those conditions and thus I think the belters come off less relatable than in the books. It is also why the offer of sanctuary they made with the spinning Behemoth last season was so unexpected, basically it was a very Martin Luther King type gesture from a people who have been opressed for centuries. Unrelated Fun fact, this show is officially in the same universe as the Martian, one of the ships is called the Mark Watney and the writer of the Martian has agreed that they can be canon with his universe. Kind of cool. https://twitter.com/JamesSACorey/status/650382119449964544?s=20