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Hello all you lovely people!

We thought this would never happen again, but it did anyway...
Our microphone got disconnected while we were watching episodes 4 and 5 of Tiger King, which sucks big time! Because there were some very real reactions, and some of the stuff we saw in those two episodes were extremely shocking and emotional. The sound is there for the first 10-15 mins of episode 4, but then it disappears after that.  

Because of this we are now faced with two options, either we release the silent reactions or we try and record them again. If we go with the second option, we of course won't be able to react to the episodes for the first time (again), and it'll therefore be more like a commentary where we know what's going to happen.

Since we are doing these for you guys, we thought we'd let this descision be up to you.
So what would you rather want? The silent reactions, or the commentary with sound?

When we've seen the entire season we're still gonna do a full recap and review video.

We are so very sorry about this, and it is very infuriating, but we will try to make the best of a bad situation.

Much love
Kat & Sonny



I'm a fan of choice one where we can still see your actual reactions to it the first time around. That being said, if it's not too time consuming, maybe captions about what you're saying at certain points that you remember, or voice over of what you're saying could help?


Perhaps a 3rd option where you use the original video but provide new audio track describing what you were thinking? Sort of a director's commentary? That way we still get to see your original reaction, and you can try and provide context.


Original silent reaction (with "directors audio commentary" style dub over it with your thoughts and feelings), if it is not too time consuming, would be great! But any content from y'all is good content ♡

Irfan Malik

That sucks so sorry. What you could do is a dub version, but you record an audio track of what you think the other person is saying at the time! With hilarious result!

Sonny Mike Olsen

Great ideas! We are looking into doing some kind of commentary for our silent reactions, but we will keep you updated. Thanks a lot guys 💜


Just add subtitles

Sonny Mike Olsen

Trying to lip read (or finding someone who can) and then work out some subtitles that we can then add.. that might be a lot of work, so we're probably not gonna go with that solution. But thank you for the suggestion!

Sonny Mike Olsen

Yes - we are looking into this as well. It's gonna be more work, but hopefully it will eliminate the risk of ending up with a video with no sound.

Maria Hammon

Just leave it as is - we can watch along and I'm pretty sure we'll know what you're thinking.


I vote voiceover with "rewatch commentary" and captions :)


I think a reaction with no audio would be a little disappointing. On a 2nd rewatch the reactions will obviously be different but then again the comments you make will be more informed the 2nd time around. So I'd vote for rewatch with audio.


I would like to see your faces when the accident happened. I was floored. I was not going to watch the show but your first react got me hooked.