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Yo guys!
Here's some more of us sitting and staring in disbelief at the screen!
How many of you have seen this crazy series?

We hope you enjoy the reaction 💜 


Tiger King E02 Reaction



I'm just now starting to watch this but I did see on twitter that the person whose arm got torn off, Saff, prefers male pronouns even though the show flip flops between "his" and "her."


I don't know how people binge this series, I always have to take some time after all the madness!


OMG!! How does this shit happen? First off it's illegal to be married to more than 1 person at a time in the US. They can have their "Wedding" but it won't be recognized as legal. All of these nut jobs are exploiting people and animals for their own benefit. There's a federally mandated minimum wage in the US but there are loop holes that can be exploited and these people have evidently found a few. I can see how Carol Baskin gets away with it since her works are "Volunteers" but the the other two? Insanity, absolute insanity!!


I've never been happier that my social circle is normal and uninteresting, because it appears I don't have the constitution for "interesting." You've got the lady who is technically doing the right thing but may not actually be, who's running some MLM scheme apparently. Then you've got two emotionally abusive and manipulative sex cult dudes irresponsibly breeding wild animals and putting people in danger for an insultingly low wage, and all the drama they come with. I get Carole's initial pitch, it sounds fine. Big cats bred and raised in captivity can't be released in the wild anymore, so give them a big enclosure to live the rest of their lives out. I know they said she's passed inspections so maybe it's fine? Or maybe she slipped money to the inspector. It's interesting Joe can't seem to pass, I don't think he'd be above paying the inspector off as well, so I'd like to see more about what issues the inspectors have. They're portraying Carole's pens as bad but they do seem to be relatively large areas with lots of foliage for the cats to play around and hide in. Joe's enclosures seem tiny and with no private space for the cats to take breaks from people bugging them. Joe said "she's got hundreds of cats, where are they," and I was thinking "if she does have that many and you can't see them, that means those enclosures must be pretty big which is great." And I'm hoping that her sanctuary really is a decent place even if she's a horrid person and potential murderer, because I need at least some bright notes in all this.

Sonny Mike Olsen

I also felt very reluctant about putting a noun on him/her, in case s/he prefers something else. Kat


I couldn't binge it either. I couldn't even do two episodes back to back. It just left me feeling so sad and disturbed...and oddly enough, left me desperately feeling like I needed a shower! Ugh!


Is this show like Survivor? People thrown into an enclosure with a Tiger and see who survives? Reality TV at its finest.


Just catching up on these reactions, but there are 2 ways around minimum wage. 1 is just to pay under the table. The "legal" way to do it though is to not recognize them as employees, and instead have them designated as independent contractors. Not only does that mean that Joe can then just pay them a "negotiated" rate instead of minimum wage, the contract would also likely have a clause about liability and indemnification, so that if any accidents happen the park would not be financially responsible for any legal or medical fees that arise from that worker. I work in a field that uses independent contractors a lot and I am very familiar with how those contracts are set up.