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Phew, we are now at road's end, and just as we thought things couldn't get any crazier, the whole thing just went into overdrive!

We hope you enjoy this reaction!

All the best and big hugs,
Kat & Sonny


The Boys S01E08 Reaction FULL


Malcolm Wolf

Just a bit of behind the scenes info: The actor that played Mothers Milk accidently hit Hugie for real and they left that scene in. His "are you ok?" was out of genuine concern.

Irfan Malik

So glad you liked this show, there's so much to talk about and I've enjoyed your discussions throughout the series. You had some interesting points to make, not least the "was it consensual sex or not" but hopefully they can clarify it in the first episode back! I can't wait to see where this goes as I haven't read the comics.


Loved your synopsis/discussion at the end. Kat, I was giggling watching you smiling at Sonny's grasping at the hope that Butcher's theory about his wife was the truth. Meanwhile, your theory is equally plausible with this show considering how they throw these plot twists at us catching us by surprise because we have filled in the story gaps with our own assumptions (albeit mostly because the writers tricked us into believing one thing is true versus another). I hope they keep up this level of surprise for the second season. Are you going to do a season two trailer reaction?


Lmao! There were a couple of great moments in these reactions with you two, truly enjoyed it. I just want to throw in there that Billy is basically a bad guy in my book now, can't feel sorry for him, he pulled the trigger knowing it would do nothing to Homelander and almost certainly killed the baby... like, what was the point of that?! He's a baby murderer in my book. Can't wait for next season, to find out if Homelanders son will be following in his fathers footsteps or if he's the method to finally stopping Homelander. We have left a lot of plotlines open and I'm looking forward to everything. The Deep is hitting rock bottom, it would be weird if they brought him back to 'jackass' levels so I expect him to maybe be a good guy now. If A-Train survives, will he be more understanding considering his life was saved by them? I could see a superhero squad being formed to combat Homelander, made up of most of the Heroes we've seen up to this point, and a fight between all of them and Homelander would be amazing.

Christopher Alexander

Ha! I'm with Kat on this one. Billy was delusional from the first episode. He is an unreliable narrator for the audience.


I was referring to reacting to the season two trailer that’s already aired.


Great reaction! Really appreciate that you are pointing out the turning point for Hughie. Concerning the past of Becca, in my opinion we haven't seen that much about her so it's not easy to know what it has been, but poorly for Butcher, I think she may be involve in a secret Vaught project to raise another "Homelander" in good condition as you say. If not, I think they hide the truth to Homelander because the less he has deep connections with people outside of the company, the more they have control on him.


I agree for Billy, he has lost me in this episode, we don't know but, Mesmer could be dead from his hand, and the baby's nanny too, considering the amount of explosive he has used, the house must be destroyed...

Robert Kelly

This was the best reaction to me because it threw me for a loop also. The ending is such a departure from the comic book I was left with my jaw on the floor when I saw her and the son. That does bring up some interesting plot twists that they will have in future seasons. They honestly could go anywhere with it that makes me afraid to even guess. I also think guessing would spoil what is going to happen anyway. The story is going in the general direction of the comic book but so far the changes are so massive they have freedom to do what they want. Hopefully Black Noir will stay the same or at least similar.

Tyrone Tyrone

Kat's blank reaction to his grasping at hope was the BEST and had me in tears.🤣😭 You could see her doing the plus and minus and possible fixes in her head🤣 he's a good man but...🤣😅