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Hey everyone! I'm making steady progress on the much-asked-for adult version of Crush Crush, so I need to brand it differently to make it super obvious which version of the game it is... We're still toying with names for the tagline but I would love to share this early mockup to get a sense of what you guys prefer. Do you like any of these or have ideas about other options?





My vote's for uncut


what about Crush Crush Moist edition


How about giving the smaller crush Devils horns and a tail instead of stamping a word?


Somehow this new Patreon layout makes me violently mildly annoyed. &gt;&gt; As for the thing, I'll take anything that isn't Moist because 1) I know that's going to win and 2) I hate memes. -3-


I agree, the word stamp just makes it look really corny, obnoxious, and not very thought out. A design change altogether seems like a better route.


That's great feedback! I was wanting to do a proper treatment to the nsfw logo, this was just an early first pass to run the name and idea past everyone ^^


I vote for moist, because I know a lot of people who hate that word. :p


Make Pamu proud and go for Moist :D


I was originally gonna go with Uncensored, but Moist is pretty good I guess.


gotta vote for the moist one. its cleaver and who doesnt like cleaver?


Nice you change it from Uncut! I was hoping there would be something like the Moist Edition. I would do like a big red ribbon across the bottom or top that says "The Moist Edition."


<a href="http://adobe.ly/2bOesY9" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://adobe.ly/2bOesY9</a> - Here's an idea.. lol


That is pretty great!! I'll do a version with that in mind, but it might get too busy. It's still an awesome idea!