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I crunched the numbers on giving every patron a free T-shirt and it would be over $2000 to make and ship each one, so I want to amend what I said in an earlier post and open it up to all patrons as a contest. 

It won't be a one-time only contest, instead I'm going to make it a monthly draw for the rest of this year. So each month, I'll draw 3 winners from any of the patron tiers and you can have your choice of which T-shirt you'd like from the set I've posted above. Each month I'll cycle it out for a different set ^_^

After the winners are announced, you just have to message me your info so I can ship it to the right place. This just makes things much simpler. The way I was going to do it before was I select one design and offer it up to the $10+ tiers, but this way I think is better because everyone gets a fair chance. And it's still free to you, you're automatically entered just by being a Patron! 

One note about the above designs - they can be men or women's, any size, with the option of white or black. I'll snag that info from you along with your address if you win. 

This month's contest starts NOW and ends August 31. Winners will be randomly selected by OjiPanda, Programmer Panda, and myself, then I will announce the winners here and will send a personal message to those people at that time. 




An Alpha T-shirt!? O.o :D I want!


Who dat next to pamu and mio?

Lord Treant

I'd be willing to pay for a custom one. 😅


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its not like i want a quill one…


Awww well, fingers crossed then, I guess.


Hum. On the one hand, I have mythically awful levels of luck so something like this is impossible for me to win. On the other hand though, I'm evil and I can just threaten to give my father's pet rabbit I've been watching over a Noogie on the head if I don't win after a few months. >:D


That reminds me of savetoby.com ... Do you remember that old internet shtick? <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Save_Toby" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Save_Toby</a>


I'm surprised someone as fresh-faced as you is even old enough to remember such a thing. :3


It's a pity, but it is better this way. :)


Ooh, the Robin has a question grawr! What about the not-patreons? Are you still going to sell the shirts later or what, rawr?


I'll see how this round goes and if it's manageable then I could do them all myself rather than go through a drop/ship place... otherwise the alternative is not-so-great online store options like cafepress (their quality is poop). That's something to consider going forward though, if people want something like this :)


Okeydoke. I was just being nosy. :3 It's not like I know how much demand there is and costs and stuff after all.