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Your suggestions have been so amazing! Thank you so much for helping me boil down this logo concept. I LOL'd at BeCrazed's idea for Moist Edition so I tried to incorporate that, how could I resist. The tagline should be really clear to players that this is an adult/ecchi version so I figured including '& uncensored' was valid.

I also like Chris Oswalt's sketch for a panties version so I threw that in at the bottom for fun (although now it feels too crowded). This has given me lots to think about so I really appreciate you pitching in with your feedback <3




looks great! i feel like writing uncensored directly on the panties just doesn't sit right wtih me its probably because the colors clash a little bit between the blood red and the nude color,


I like the steam, makes it feel hot, which i think represents what it is well


EDIT: I just realised it has some sweat on it as well! Even more to my point!


I just about died when I saw these in my inbox- Moist Edition is too perfect, hah! the middle "moist and uncensored" logo is amazing.


lol i think alot of us wanted the moist edition ill take the blame for those who dont like it 😛


I love the panties on the logo, how about "naughty and moist" rather than uncensored?


These look even worse than the previous ones. I don't understand why the logo even needs to change, numerous other games have patches and never alter anything about their logo to indicate it, and there really shouldn't be any reason to. The game is always SFW unless the user is knowingly altering the game. There shouldn't need to be any logo change to indicate that. A simple version change would suffice. These are just gaudy =/ Simply changing the sparkles to steam would be enough to know it's a "steamy edition" or something. Ugh these are hideous. I feel like I'm looking at a Blingee avatar.


I mean you're right but you're gonna hurt Morgo person's feelings being so blunt. &gt;&gt; What about if it's just something very minimalist like the font changing to red instead of pink?


Does she need to trademark it? Probably best that she just leave it normal and add an icon in the menu to activate the lewd with a slider of how steamy and moist you want it


Just giving an honest opinion, feedback is being asked for, so I gave it. I guess I could have been a bit less harsh about it but that was my thoughts after being unable to reply until I got home. I tend to not hide anything when I speak about something (I guess I may lack some tact at times). I don't want to sound like someone else on the steam forums, so I'll leave it at that. If details are requested, I'll give them, but I'll reserve that for a different time/place as necessary. I already feel as if I delved too deeply into the last voting/design element exploration with Q-piddy, so... yeah.


Thanks, your feedback is appreciated. To give more clarification on the need for a NSFW logo - We need to have a new logo and title that's identifiably different from the regular SFW version, as we'll be hosting it on a NSFW site soon. They offer two versions of their games (both marketed and branded differently) that are sfw and nsfw. It's going to be a separate release of the game, not a patch (at this point) so it is a different version of our game that needs to be visually separate from our regular one. I hope that makes sense. Your feedback is totally valid and I probably failed to give all the details on reasons why I'm exploring these concepts... I'll also admit UI/logo design is so foreign to me that it's really awkward posting these work-in-progress designs &gt;.


See, this whole time it was spoken of as a patch, not as a separate entity. That sheds a bit more light on the situation. I still feel that it can be accomplished without changing it that drastically. If it's an entirely separate product then it's already known to be different. Simply changing the color and using the steam clouds instead of the sparkles is really all it would need.


if its uncensored ,it shouldnt have panty (i guess


Well I'm just poking at you anyway Sakuranb0. :3 I got what you meant and I'm sure she did as well. Delve deeper! o/ Also, anyone want to take bets that Morgo person is sending it to be hosted on Nutaku? Don't ask me why I know about that by the way.


Option 1 seems nice.

Jason Isbell

It could just say "Moist Edition". xD That is all about Pamu... But I guess uncensored does stand out for those that are unfamiliar with the original game and its dialogue. The new people might not "get it" fully without. =/ Just having Moist Edition, does sound a bit cleaner, as in making the logo a bit less gaudy looking. Technically, option 1 looks a bit better to me, without the pantsu around the logo.


Thanks you for the shutout about the "panties" version. It definitely stands out, but I think your original assessment that it might be "too" busy might be right. It may not portray the right message as it's actually the panties off , steamy , moist edition, etc. I could see playing around with it where the panties are underneath the logo, like being dropped on the floor, etc. I love the Moist name, but it probably wouldn't be very clear to someone who knows nothing about the game. I don't think it's really an uncensored edition as noting is being censored. They just are not fully nude so, Adults Only, Nude, or Unadulterated is probably the clearest. Thanks so much for sharing all the early dirty details.


I think the first one is better. Simple change from flirty pink to sexy red - but I definitely love the subtitle. :) "Moist Edition" sounds awesome. :D If you decided to drop the Uncensored, I wouldn't mind at all.