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Jenna Young

The scene with Hotch and his wife Haley frustrates me because i can see both sides as Haley is worried because of Hotch's job it'll take him away from his family a lot especially his son Jack as she makes a good point of saying that she doesn't want him to wake up in the next random city and realize he doesn't know his son which is heartbreaking but i also understand Hotch's side too, he's doing this job because he wants to make the world a better place for his family especially his son and with this job he can do that as he is saving lives and putting these bad people behind bars. The job is important to him because of things he gets to do in this job especially with the position he holds within the BAU and the team because you are right, he is important and the team does need Hotch in it. Though i am more biased towards Hotch because of reasons haha.


What I've always said about their relationship and all this is that Hotch is the character we KNOW and love. We see his side more because he's one of the main characters. Whereas we only see Haley occasionally. So it's a lot easier to be on his side of the argument because we SEE it all the time. But the thing is, if Haley was the main character, if we were watching a show about the wife of an FBI Profiler who was raising their son basically alone while her husband was off working all the time and constantly missing out on family time, most people would be on her side because we'd really get to see the struggles she goes through.