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Zach Faulkner

I am glad at the end of the episode you said to make this the official discussion post on our thoughts on punishment and death penalty because I was planning to put my thoughts on this one even before you said that because I respect your opinion but I'm on the opposite side. So I agree with you whenever you say 'life is precious' I agree it is. That is why I personally feel that it's never okay to take another persons life and this includes criminals. No matter how horrible or heinous the crime, I do not believe any human has the right to end the life of another human. There are certainly some true crime stories I have heard where when I finished I felt angry like 'I don't believe in the death penalty but these people are an exception' but I think all of us agree making a decision on someone being executed is not something you should make while you are in a bad mindset. I also disagree when you say those people are not human who commit these crimes. Now I think you and I are both on the same page that those people are vile terrible humans who do these things but to me being human is objective and not subjective. If you are a living person you are a human and that is just based on science and not based on your actions, no matter how good or how bad you are it doesn't change what you are. I think you also may subconsciously agree with that because while you often do say you don't view them as human you will follow up many times (including the end of this episode saying) 'they are the worst of us' (referring to humans). So yes, they are the worst of us but they are still part of 'us' I also think your statement about prison only being a good punishment for those who will have a chance to see the outside world again can be a slippery slope. Lets look at some examples 20 year old man gets 30 years in jail. He also has a fatal condition and doctors say he isn't living more than 10 years. He will never get the opportunity to leave the prison, so do we just execute him to save the tax payers money? What about a guy who is healthy but is later on in life and their sentence has them getting released at age 120? So I think deciding prison's validity as a punishment form based on someone getting out again is dangerous. I also don't think the severity of it's punishment is lessened based on if someone gets out again or not. If being in there sucks for the guy who is getting out in 5 years, it's gonna be a similar sucky situation for the guy who isn't getting out. Now one thing you have said in the past that I very much agree with (on the episode with the mom who took the chair to protect her son) is that if you are going to have the death penalty, you need to be 100% certain because getting it wrong is an irreversible mistake. So here is my crazy idea to make sure we only convict people we know are 100% guilty. If a person is sentenced to death, and executed and it comes out later through evidence they were guilty. the prosecution lawyers who pushed for the death penalty and the jury who voted for death as the sentencing are arrested and put on death row. Now this would never happen but that's the only way I would feel okay with it is if you tell those people 'You need to be so positive in this conviction that you are willing to put your own life on the line.'