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Hey Patreons,

We hope you guys had a great weekend!

We're still on track to release a new test build of Virtual Novel, either this month or early next month, where you'll be able to explore a bit more of the school building environment, and converse with a few characters within it.

Most of the school building is now explorable (although not all environments are finalized!) so as we scale up and add more stuff, we're asking you guys to download test builds and report back with your performance results and feedback.

This will be much like the previous build, where we just need to know your hardware and what graphical settings you could achieve comfortably; if there are any locations which give you performance issues; if there are any crash or run issues etc.

In an attempt to make this a more organized release, please email virtualnovelgame@gmail.com with the subject "Performance Test" if you'd like to apply for a build! Please email from the address you're subscribing to us on Patreon with, and in the email let us know if you're on a Vive or Rift (OSVR support coming soon), your CPU, GPU and RAM. For you guys who took part in our last performance test, please let us know your specs even if they haven't changed, just so that we can look them up easily :)

A couple people last time inquired about screenshots. For this build, feel free to take screenshots or record footage, as long as any place you publish them you note that they are from a pre-release test build.

Thanks as always for the support =D


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