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Hey Patrons,

Sorry for the few-and-far-between posts lately, we've been quite busy with various things, but we definitely haven't forgotten about you guys!

We were recently given the Razer HDK2, which is a really nice addition to Virtual Novel's growing supported hardware list. Even if you don't own an HDK or perhaps don't care too much about OSVR, it's great for us to be able to reach more people who want to get into VR, and it's pretty exciting that we've been recognized by Oculus, HTC / Valve, and now Razer / OSVR!

We're also in talks with a talented modeler / game level designer (who's also a huge anime nerd fan) who has agreed to help us out with props and environment modeling, so that hopefully means that we'll have more time to work on programming and writing for Virtual Novel.

We're working towards another performance test build release, similar to before, but this time much of the school building will be explorable. We've made a few behind the scenes changes to Virtual Novel, added a lot more of the environment (you'll be able to explore all the hallways, restrooms, library, roof and use the school's elevator system) and our characters have been completely overhauled to be fully modular (as we wrote about in one of our recent newsletters) so we need to make sure we're still running comfortably on your machines! There'll be a few characters to interact with (with actual dialog from Virtual Novel's story)  so while it will still be a performance test and we'll require your feedback, this release will be a little closer to a traditional demo than before.

We're aiming to get this build out by the end of the month, but failing that, it should be ready to go early October some time! We'll be posting up some screenshots between now and then of the updated school environment, to give you a teaser of what you can expect.

As always, thanks so much to everyone supporting us!


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