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The first thing I need to do is to get the attention and then get rid of it. That's right, I was in a continent dominated by Spirit Hall.

So if I am to do anything they will be after me, what I need to do is to get them on terms, establish something and then make them get off my back.

This is the easy part, to get their attention, I will simply sell some apples in the auction house.

The moment I found the auction house I went there, I was greeted by a strict-looking lady.

"Excuse me, I would like to sell some special fruits."

"Hmm? What kind of fruits? This is an auction house. If you want to sell fruits they have to be over 100 years old."

The auction lady said with a matter-of-fact voice.

"They are over 400 years old."

As I said that I made a few of them drop on the counter.

"T-These!!!" She exclaimed loudly as she saw the apples.

"Will these sell?"

"Y-Yes! Esteemed guest!"

"Great, then let's sell them."

Sure enough, I quickly made a quick buck.

The fruits sold quickly and sure enough, I got the attention I expected to get.

"He should be somewhere here."

People dressed with Spirit Hall insignia checked out the room I have rented in a hotel.

"He is not here!"

"Impossible! No one left this room!"


"A space-based Martial Spirit! We should notify the Supreme Pontiff."

'Hehehe, Space-based Martial Spirit? Sure why not.'

I heard how the people from Spirit Hall left my room and swiftly walked out of the hotel.

Once they left I reappeared in the room and checked out for sure if they left properly.

'Well, this means I will be on Spirit Hall's radar now.'

As I thought to myself I prepared to rest and prepare for tomorrow.

~~~~~~Next Morning~~~~~~

As I left the hotel, I went to buy some more stuff like clothes, and some other rations. Like water.

'This reminds me, I should try making a pond and some other stuff in my Farmstead.'

As I thought about that I walked into the small forest a short distance away from the town. This was a special forest, well, more like a place where no truly strong beings reside and are meant for students to get their early rings.

A short distance later, I found some beasts roaming around, but none of them were strong. Their auras were white, and many of them ran away the moment they saw me.

For the first few hours, it was like that.

Then as I was walking deeper into this forest I noticed some vegetation having thin yellow auras.

This means they were just around a hundred years old.

Eventually, I stumbled upon a pack of wolves, they had thin yellow auras and some had white ones.

'Between hundred years old…huh… they are the best option at this moment.'

Thinking for a bit. I summoned my Grey Wolf Martial Spirit and fused with it.

My body frame increased and my hands changed into claws, I could sense how I just became a werewolf.


The wolves howled back as they proceeded to attack me.

Though I quickly realised that they were slow… what the hell? Are we racing slugs here?

I smacked one to the side, then another, and another…

Before long the ones with white auras were down for counting.

And only left a couple of ones with light yellow auras.

I swiftly lunged forward and smacked the bigger-looking wolf, the one remaining proceeded to run away…

"So much for teamwork."

I grabbed the oldest-looking ones from the ones which were knocked out. The only one with a light yellow aura, it should be around 100 years old.

Instead of killing it, I threw it into my farmstead.

Once I got it, I proceeded to walk away leaving the wolves to recover.



My eyes widened as I saw a snake resting on a tree trunk. This was the snake Tang San should take as his ring.

'Hehehe, I got an idea…'

I quickly pulled out one of the apples I have, an apple which is around 1000 years old should do the trick.

I threw it, the apple landed not far from the snake, who quickly sensed its potent Spirit Energy.

The Spirit Beast is close to the limit that Tang San can absorb.

If it's beyond his ability to absorb, then it's a bust.

But who knows he might be lucky and get something even better.

After seeing the snake greedily swallow the apple I left the location and went back to my hotel room.

Once there I waited for several hours.

More precisely I watched curiously how time flows on the farm, it was quick, absurdly so. I could see how the wolf was moving around as if it was a recording and the frames were skipped over.

Eventually, its aura got darker yellow.

When I entered the farmstead the wolf became extremely obedient.

'Hoh, this is quite interesting, I wonder if this could work on intelligent Spirit Beasts?'

I thought about this for a second before I asked the beast to give its spirit ring which the wolf happily gave away.

A few moments later I proceeded to absorb it.

It was given away so the process was smooth sailing.

Before long it was over and my cultivation increased and started to go up.

'Shit…are you for real?'

It just went up and up!

Eventually, it stopped around Rank 18!

'Holy fuck…'

I looked at my hands with disbelief. This is not cultivation but coasting to the finish line.

After calming down, I summoned my Wolf Martial Spirit, when it appeared it was no longer a simple grey wolf but a dark grey one and its fur looked more sharp and ghostly.

'I think the ring I got from that wolf affects how my base wolf would evolve.'

After inspecting it, I summoned my rings. A single dark yellow ring manifested.

The darkness of the ring should mean it's around 500 to 600 years old ring.

'Right…let's test—' I Sensed uninvited guests…

I swiftly recalled my spirit and sneaked into the farmstead.

Sure enough, the doors opened and people from Spirit Hall were back.

'They don't give up do they?'

"I sensed! He was right here!"

"Same, I sensed him as well. He most likely sensed us as well and sneaked out with his Space Martial Spirit."

"Well, it doesn't matter, the Supreme Pontiff herself is interested in this brat."

'Bibi Dong? Are they serious? Isn't Yu Xiaogang in this Town?'

For a second I wondered how this would resolve. Will she notice that 'Grandmaster'?

Well, whatever.

I waited for them to leave.

'Should I mess more with them? Maybe sell a 1000-year-old apple?'

As I thought about this the pair of Spirit Hall people left.

I waited for them to leave the whole building before I exited the farmstead and dropped into my bed.

I pulled out a golden apple and proceeded to eat it.

A few moments later.

"Oh, there it is… now I need another Spirit Beast." I was Rank 20 already.

Pondering on this for a bit, I decided to capture a whole pack of wolves and raise them separately, this way I could reach Titled Douluo without much hassle.

'Hmmm, the apple trees' aura is turning black, so they are close to 10 thousand years old.' I closed my eyes and observed them.

Soon just bringing one fruit from one of these will cause a massive commotion.

So, some sort of deal needs to be made.

With Spirit Hall that is.

'Let's just wait for Bibi Dong. I will wait for a few more days before dropping a 600-year-old apple. That should bring me on her radar if it didn't happen before.

Who wouldn't want an apple tree which grows fruits like these?'

As I was thinking about this, time went on and the apple trees breached that 10 thousand mark, by this point I had 4 enormous trees.

And the area has expanded around them. From the looks of it, the farmstead on its own has adjusted to my trees.

Which is good to know.

'Hmm, this is getting boring, apart from those two, Spirit Hall has not sent any of the Titled Douluos after me.'

With that in mind, I swiftly walked out and was about to turn a corner but at that moment I felt something.


"What the!?"

I slipped into my farmstead.

"Ghost! Did you miss him!?"

"No way! I was about to pull him in!"

I looked into the real world from my Farmstead dimension, these two were minions of Bibi Dong.

'Those two… they are Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo…shit they almost got me!'

"This isn't some simple Space Martial Spirit!" Ghost Douluo said with a frown as he nearly caught me.

"He simply popped out of existence! There were no Spirit Rings either!"

"Strange. So some sort of inborn ability?"

"If it's true she will want him even more."

'Good to know… It appears my scheme is working…'

After hearing them talk, I started to think about how to approach this.

Though first I needed them to leave.

The pair left a while later, once they did, I swiftly went back to my room and decided to leave a note for the Spirit Hall. I am pretty sure a few thousand old apples will do the trick.

Once I left the note I proceeded to run out of the hotel and into the forest.

~~~~~~With Spirit Hall Elders~~~~~~

"You go after him, I will check the hotel, I sense he left something there." Chrysanthemum Douluo said to the Ghost as the feminine man walked back into the hotel.

The pair didn't leave, they only moved back to allow the kid to return.

Once he is back they will try again.


The ghost blasted right after the kid, to follow him. He will try a different approach this time.

While the Chrysanthemum Douluo, Yue Guan, went into his room.

What he found was a note being pressed down by a golden apple which was emitting an absurd amount of Spirit Energy.

"W-What the hell!?"

He picked the apple with shaky hands, how old is this thing!? Do apples even become like this!?

How is the apple tree? It should be Spirit Beast by this point!

Regardless, the Spirit Hall Elder picked up the note and read it.

[To Spirit Hall, I will only talk with your Leader. If you don't bring her here, we can continue this cat-and-mouse game, but believe me, time is not on your side.]

'I see how it is. The brat has balls.'

He picked up the note, soon after Ghost Douluo returned.

"You lost him?"

"Yeah, he is more slippery than I am, and I am a ghost." The Ghost Douluo said with an ashamed voice.

"That's fine. We got something regardless."

Yue Guan showed the note and the apple.

"This… The kid has a death wish?"

"We shall see."

~~~~~~Back with Bai Chen~~~~~~

'That Ghost dude sure is persistent.' As I walked into the forest, I heard the sounds of battle.


I swiftly rushed over to look at it. Entering a clearing I leaned against a tree.

I saw a blur of blue.

'That's… Tang San! He is fighting the snake?'

I saw the green snake which was over five metres now proceeding to throw him around.

I observed this for a bit and I realised that he is trying to save his teacher here.

'Hohoho… a perfect opportunity for him to miss this snake, and for me to add this snake to my farmstead.'

I quickly merged with my Wolf Martial Spirit.

With a howl, I jumped in.

"Take your teacher and get out of here! I will handle it." My appearance shocked the pair, though this shock was good enough to make Tang San act on what I wanted.


Tang San rushed to get his useless and very poisoned teacher away while I proceeded to mess around with this Datura Snake. It was quite a long one, from what I remember yesterday it was smaller.

This means that a single apple gave it around 100+ years.

Quite potent if I say so.

'Right, let's test out my first ring ability.'


'First Ring ability! Ghost Wolf Slash!'

My dark yellow ring glowed and my right hand had a miasmic black aura which delivered a powerful slash at the Datura Snake which tried to dodge but I was able to smack into a tree.

'Hehehe! That force!' I smirked at the power for a bit before swiftly rushing forward and pulling this snake into my Farmstead.

'AAAND DONE! Tang San can kiss goodbye to his poisonous constraint ability!

I know it's petty…But, that guy was smug as fuck when we had that awakening ceremony, soo… why not mess with him just like whatever send me here wanted.'

Thinking for a bit I looked at the Datura Snake which was confused for a bit. Before slithering away to rest.

'Hoh…it already stopped caring about me? That's quick…'


Nicholas Castiglione (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 07:49:23 Can we get more of this. Other got a bunch of chapters, this one could use more.
2024-03-29 07:49:23 Can we get more of this. Other got a bunch of chapters, this one could use more.
2024-03-29 07:49:23 Can we get more of this. Other got a bunch of chapters, this one could use more.
2024-03-15 09:43:40 Can we get more of this. Other got a bunch of chapters, this one could use more.

Can we get more of this. Other got a bunch of chapters, this one could use more.