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'So that's Tang San, that blue hair stands out, like seriously…'

I looked at the blue-haired seven-year-old in front of me. This was strange, I had been in this world since I gained self-awareness, and this was that cliche story where one remembers his past.

I was just like Tang San in front of me. I know that this is Soul Land, a book from my previous life. In my previous life, my name was Raynor Valeron, in this one I am simply known as Bai Chen.

I preferred if they called me Baihu, the Tiger constellation of the West, it would be cool…


"You are next." The wolfman from Spirit Hall said with quite a bored tone.

The blue-haired kid walked into the array-like thing. A small chant later a blue grass erupted from the kid's hand.

"Another Blue Silver Grass? Anyway, go over and put your hand on the orb."


The wolfman was about to tell me to come over but the Crystal erupted into bright light.

"Full Innate!?"

'So that's how 'Full Innate' Looks like? Interesting.'

"Impressive, you have the potential to be a great Spirit Master!"

After finding Tang San's potential my turn quickly arrived.

Once I stepped into the circle the wolfman from the Spirit Hall flooded my body with Spirit energy.

A surge of power rushed through me and moments later I had a tool in my hands, it was a farming tool, a Hoe?

"A Tool Spirit? Let's check your Spirit Power."

I nodded, but I felt something else. My gaze went down. I could see a shadow— my shadow was alive.

Twin Martial Spirits?

As I walked over and placed my hand on the orb, it didn't glow, anything!

"It appears you have no potential, my boy. Well, with such a useful tool spirit you will have a nice life."

After this, the wolfman went over to Tang San and the Village Elder who has a carrot for a Martial Spirit.

They started to talk about the blue-haired kid going to the academy.

Though I could see that smug look he had, he was feeling that it was his destiny…

'Well, whatever, my start is maybe rough but I have some idea what is going on.'

As I thought about it, for a second I closed my eyes. I could 'see' a farmstead.

My awakening Spirit Tool which is a Hoe was expected from the moment I awakened my 'inner realm'.

Whatever send me here, it had a specific idea in mind.

And that is making me a 'farmer', the same age as Tang San no less.

Though honestly, I don't give a fuck about Tang San and his bullshit.

I am going to do this shit on my terms!

'Let's find some stuff to grow.'

As I walked back to my orphanage, the care lady didn't even bat her eyes that I didn't get spirit energy. It was 90% the norm not to have spirit energy.

Of all the kids only Tang San had talent and the kid was not even an original resident of this village.

Well, whatever, I waited for meal time and when we finally got food, I quickly took my apples, I swiftly threw the apple seeds into my realm when I finished eating it.

The best perk about my farmstead realm is that I can easily walk in and out of it.

It's the ultimate protection, if I am in a bad situation I can just enter the realm and wait for attackers to leave and then I can walk out of it.

Though I need to experiment with it more later on.

For now, I consumed my food before excusing myself and going to my room.

After closing the doors behind me I entered my farmstead.

My eyes went to the seeds on the ground I quickly walked over and picked them up.

I had this place for over three years, but nothing worked, I could not work out how to use the soil.

That's right, inside this simple-looking realm, which only has soil and nothing else… well apart from the fake sky there was nothing else.

My only hope was that my Martial Spirit will help, and sure enough, it was a tool meant for working soil.

So I quickly summoned the Hoe and proceeded to try it out.

Sure enough, the Hoe easily worked on the soil! It was a great relief as nothing before worked! I tried regular Shovels and Hoes! None of them could even move the dirt!

But this time with the Tool Spirit I could work!

After making four small holes I placed the seeds into the soil.

Once closed them up proceeded to walk out but then, I felt it.

I swiftly turned around and looked where I placed the seeds.

I could see something already sticking out!

"What's with this speed!"

Sure enough, it started to come out from the ground!

"Holy fuck!"

I just watched how small orchids started to grow.

I swiftly realised that I placed those far too close, I quickly walked over and started to big out three small trees.

"Hmm? The growing speed dropped? This place is strange…"

Seeing that growing speed calmed down I quickly spread the apple trees apart before walking away.

Once again the growing speed returned.

'Curious, is it related to my intention? I wanted these to grow so they grow quickly?'

Just a few minutes later I had four full-grown trees full of red apples.

'This is wicked…'

I walked over and proceeded to get a few apples.

'Hmm, juicy… I guess I can be a badass farmer instead of some… wait…'

My eyes widened, of course… I might don't have Spirit energy now… but if the apples are several hundred if not a thousand years old?

Like those herbs, Tang San feed his buddies.

With that intention, I left the realm for now and proceeded to do something else.

~~~~~~8 Hours Later~~~~~~

'What the fuck…'

When I returned to my farmstead 8 hours later, the place was glittering with some sort of particles, the four apple trees were massive and the fruits on them were red almost crystalline-like!

'Did the area expand as well!? How does this even work? Won't these trees gain some sort of consciousness?'

As I walked over some of the tree branches moved lower and allowed me to flick some apples off.

'They are self-aware…but they are submissive? Is it because this is my area?'

Well, as long as they listen to me they can continue to grow.

That's for sure, hell I don't care, I will be a badass Farmer with fruit trees in millions of years…

'Sounds weird, but I can accept this.'

After inspecting crystal-like fruits I started to bite one.

My eyes bulged out, the taste was heavenly!

Though that moment a feeling erupted from my gut and spread through my whole body.

I could feel stronger!!!

"So…this is spirit energy?"

At that moment I summoned my Hoe, it was no longer dull looking.

Though my eyes went to the much darker shadow, next to me. I checked my hand, and the back of them suppose to have a marking… but I only have one… so what the fuck is this black shadow?

That moment I tried to move it and it was responding to me easily.

'So it's some sort another thingy which came with the Farmstead?' I pondered on this for a bit.

The thingy responded to every single command, I could see this thing being good support in battle, especially since it's a shadow.

Hard to protect against this in the heat of battle.

'Well, at least I can…eat…'  As I was thinking my gaze went on the apple trees.

My eyes widened as I could see an aura around the Apple trees! It was yellow!

Holy fuck!

This means these trees are 100+ years old!

But how quick is this!? The trees are already hundreds of years! The yellow aura around them was not the lightest either!

This means they should be around the midpoint towards one thousand years old!

'But this is bullshit! Who would give me such absurd power and for what reasons!?'

The only thing I could think of is to mess with the plot. So cliche Tang San hater sends me here? Are you serious?

Well, if the speed of growth is this fast, I am certain that I won't be able to stay out of the main plot unless I turn into a hermit.


"Whatever, one thing at a time, there is no point in thinking WHAT MAY happen."

I proceeded to eat the apples, and after eating several I could feel an increase in spirit energy several times, there was a certain surge which mean that I had a breakthrough couple of times.

'If I counted this properly I should be Rank 3 now.'

Pondering this, I left the farmstead and appeared back in my room, I dropped into my bed and proceeded to eat another red crystal-like apple.

It is still hard to believe this was a nearly 500-year-old apple…


A few days later I made some very rough estimations, 8 Hours are roughly 480 minutes, so 16 hours would be around 960…

This means 24 hours is 1440 minutes…

This is why these trees should be around 4.5 thousand or so years.

The aura around the trees was purple-ish.

And honestly, I was already at the peak of rank 10, my cultivation has not improved at all.

Going solo to get a ring is a little bit hard…

'What if I get a Spirit Beast into my Farmstead?'

I realised after thinking for a bit. I could take even a recently born one! Hell! It doesn't matter! It would quickly grow and if it's true it will become submissive in this place. If not the apple trees are going to beat the shit out of it.

Yep, these trees obey me!

So after thinking for a bit, I think it's about time I move on.

I could leave some apples for the orphanage but it would bring issues to them. So instead I just left quietly without anyone noticing.

My destination is the same town where Tang San went, the reason for that is the forest is close to that place. While I don't want to get close to that guy, I can't do shit about geography.

However, I didn't need to wait long to get some action.


In front of me was a wolf with grey-ish fur, its aura was bright white, which means the Spirit Beast was not even a hundred years old.

'Well, this is perfect.'

I summoned my Tool Spirit, it might be a gardening tool, but it still can cave in a skull if need be, besides, I had been eating those apples and the tool in my hand is radiating power.

Without wasting much time the Spirit beast lunged at me.

'I think it can sense that I have a lot of Pure energy from all those apples.'

The attack was quite slow in my eyes, I casually side stepped, and called forth my shadow.

Black whips rushed forwards and bind the wolf which looked like it started to panic.

Though that moment I felt…something.

The shadow is not meant to be used as a weapon! No, it's something crazier!

Quickly the shadowy binding surrounded the wolf and eventually swallowed.

That moment on my left hand another tattoo appeared.

As my gaze went there I could see a wolf tattoo with a burst of light grey wolf appeared behind me.

It has turned into a Martial Spirit! The shadow eats Spirit Beasts and turns them into Martial Spirits!

Not only that, but I can 'release' this Martial Spirit into my Farmstead. Or at least that's what the gut feeling is telling me.

In other words, my second Martial Spirit is something I can decide.

'Well, this explains to me why, the rapid growth in the farmstead, if I can have a shit ton of Martial Spirit I don't care about cultivation in general.'

"Good to know, I guess I will be adding a canine-based Spirit Ring, instead of something ground-based or armour based for the Hoe."

With a new object in mind, I proceeded to move towards my destination.

The good part is that I don't care about the shelter, I sleep under apple trees.

After spending several days just travelling my apple trees were close to 10 thousand years. And they were large and robust, the apples growing on them started to turn into semi-golden ones.

Which were awe to look at.

But, more importantly, I arrived at the town.

'Time to find that forest…'


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