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Marcus Goldman is an alchemist, he comes from an old line of alchemists who wish to uncover secrets of transmutation.

Just like his parents and ancestors before him, he inherited the talent in this specific art.

But, unlike the previous generations before him, he has fallen into a trap which is known as the modern world of Earth.

He was born in early 1980 by the time he was a teen he found fascination in comic books from the United States.

His fascination, unlike most people, was not Superman or Spiderman, but Iron Man.

Marcus found the Iron Man suite incredibly fascinating!

And the hero behind it was nothing more than just a smart individual without anything supernatural!

Yet in the end, he could fight beings beyond his level because of it!

As someone who comes from a family who spend generations working with metals, he can respect Iron Man to an extreme level.

That's why he started following Iron Man comics…

Then 2007 came up and the movie came out…

Marcus was one of the first to get tickets to the premiere.

What he saw blew his mind and gave him an idea that will shape his future…

He decided to build one himself!

Not a technology-based one but magical!

And so, his descent into a completely new brand of magic has begun…

Metallurgy was something which he did his whole life, shaping metal, changing from one to another, it was all part of Alchemy.

So, one piece of the puzzle was already something he had done.

The hardest part was next, the runes…

An art that usually is used to build boundary fields, but it is so much more than that.

It's an art which in layman's terms tells magic what to do, it can be inscribed into things like metal, stone or wood.

It of course has limits, which depends on what surface it's inscribed…

Still, the magic kind barely touched things beyond simple inscription on tools or putting the boundary fields with specific orders…

The rise of computers on the mundane side made Marcus realise just how similar programming is with runemancy.

Where computers dictate how certain platforms operate so do runes with their boundary fields.

This is where Marcus spend decades working with runes creating clusters and which in turn created arrays…

His discoveries in this field have pushed the magical kinds understanding of arrays and Marcus understood that he had to evolve arrays to the next level because the more he made them complex the more space it took.

Normal spells have no place in here, so he could not cast shrinking spells, as runes already are magical, and the spell would interfere with cluster work…

Which would result in an explosion of large magnitude…

Still, by the time Marcus was 70, he had to focus on something else…

And it was his ailing body, while the Goldman family has a long line of Alchemist, they did not possess the fabled Philosopher stone.

First of all, it was a myth, and they could create gold long ago, it has nothing to do with the elixir of life.

In the end, it was a simple fix from Marcus perspective as technology on earth has discovered much about the human body, and with technology and magic help he easily found which parts of his body need 'fixing'

Altering a few genetic sequences with magic resulted in his discovery of eternal youth…

While he was eternally young he was not immortal by any stretch…

Still eternal youth allowed Marcus to focus on his research on runic sequences…

~~~~~~150 Years Later~~~~~~

Marcus with a smirk looked at his masterpiece.

The 'Arc' Runic Sequence, a loop type of sequence.

Technically it can generate an infinite amount of magic that could power his perfect suit.

Marcus long ago created other parts of his perfect suit, he can travel the solar system in one.

Not only did he discover how to teleport, warp jump, and be immune to any type of radiation, he even created an artificial intelligence that is powered by magic…

And now he finally has the last piece of the puzzle… the infinite arc reactor….

"Time to test it… Legion begin the test." Marcus said to the artificial intelligence of his mansion.

"As you command sir, beginning 'Infinite loop runic sequence' test."

The blue doughnut-shaped magic cluster started to spin.

The spin generated the magical energy, half of it returned to the loop to empower it, while the rest left the cluster and powered what was connected to it.

Technically it generates an unlimited amount of power, but the output is limited to a certain extent.

Marcus, as the creator knew the limits and the capacity of his creation.

"Right, as expected! it works!" He said with a large smirk, he can finally put on his dream armour and explore the cosmos!


"...Legion… why is it still generating energy?" Marcus asked his trusty M.A.I…

"Sir, you have not placed limiters or connected me to the emergency switch, I suggest immediate evacuation." The M.A.I said with a serious and even fearful voice.

"Fuck…" Marcus' eyes widened as he realises that there is no escape from this…

He won't be able to put any of his previous models in time, or even leave the testing site!

After all, he has cleared all the magic from the side for this test!

He was like a sitting duck now!

"Well, haste make waste…" He said with a twitchy smile on his face…

Before being consumed by incredible massive and bright energy, death was immediate and he felt nothing...

The loop cluster exploded as it couldn't hold the excess energy, it generated an insanely massive amount of power as it was meant for a suit that can travel through the cosmos after all…

At least half of the western world was erased that day…

~~~~~~Realities Away~~~~~~

"AHHH!" A young boy's body shook as he quickly got up into a sitting position.

He swiftly looked around, his eyes were slightly unfocused, all he saw was… some cheap stone walls? a some wood-like things for the window, and a cheap-looking wardrobe.

This reminded him of old times… times before the industrial era, the dark ages of history.

No mage would want to return to those times...

Moments later, several memories surfaced in his mind and he realised what just happened.

He remember the accident! In his haste to finish his life's work, it has cost him everything!

Not only did he destroy everything! he even died in the process!

What happened next was quite surreal, because he saw the afterlife!

Turns out it's nothing more than a stupid reincarnation system!

Thanks to the enormous amount of magic in his soul had at that time he was able to remove himself from the circle of having his memories cleansed! After that, he followed some cleansed spirits to this world.

Instead of allowing the cleansed spirit to possess this specific body of a baby, he entered first.

After that, his subconscious went to sleep because the baby could not handle the adults man's memories.

Until today that is…

Now he could remember… his past life his…and where he was…

He was in… what he considered a fictional world in his previous life.

At this moment he was in a body of a boy who is a son of a blacksmith…

In a place called Westeros…

'Well...this is just great… thankfully I am not some sort of slave…' A grimace appeared on his face. He felt quite weak.

Feeling like this… was very much annoying… his magic was gone...his technomancy was gone, his stuff is gone… his suits are gone… his database is gone… Legion, his M.A.I. was gone as well…

This… Was… beyond annoying! It was infuriating! Over two hundred years of research and development!

GONE! Because of simple...Haste!!!

*Sharp Breath*

That moment fist slammed into the ground. A frustrated hiss escaped from his mouth. The alchemist turned boy was beyond pissed. But, he had enough self-control to not just throw a large hissy fit.

However...one could see borderline insanity in his eyes. The amount of time and work he spend in practising his art was enormous. And just...losing it all… like that…




For several moments he just stared at the wall… he could see how… below average the craftsmanship is of this house.

It's like… it was built whimsically… no care for aesthetics or survivability of it…

This house wouldn't even last hundred or two hundred years…

Nothing like his old artefacts, workshop or technomancy in general.

Any of his even simplest of toys could survive longer than the human race… Marcus… his old self… made sure they live to the name… 'Artefact'.

Even when humanity will be gone to the sands of times his creations will continue to exist.

Well… should have been… not that It matters now… Earth most likely is no longer livable anyway… that meltdown of the Infinity reactor most likely has taken Earth back to the ice age.


His hand brushed through his hair. A tired sigh escaped from his lips.

He closed his eyes for a second… the boy started to think…

What should... he do? Redo all previous life work? But, how does magic even work in this place? Should he redo things with pure technology?

This idea sounded so wrong to him that it even made the hair on his back crawl.

Technology was always the thing of regular humans. He was a mage… and that won't going to change.

After… thinking for a bit. He got some...of his motivation back. Slowly getting up from the ground and looked around.

At least… he is going to do what he knows best… metal work… how long has it been since he did the most basics of basics…

Forge smithing?

"At least… over a hundred years…" He said with a pained smile. Remembering the good old times.

"Lucan? You awake? Your father is looking for you."

Hearing a...sorta familiar voice of his… this body's biological mother. The now named Lucan started walking towards the exit of this crude building.


It took around a year to find a direction towards the magic of this world.

My observation of this place showed me that magic is this world is around but it's very passive.

Such a trait is good for artefact making but very bad to be used in a battle.

The runes… well… they work, but not as good as they were in my previous world. My unique language was crafted with aggressive magic in mind.

Now I needed to run in circles around one sequence just to make it react to it.

Another thing is that magic is something people don't have. Well, they don't have a magic source.

Instead, they saturate their body with magic and can use their inborn magic abilities.

For example… I think… most likely... Valyrian's can do that by being next to their dragons? or other people with weirwood trees?

However, that is my theory. Since I didn't have any magic and my runes only work when I do some preparations for magic use.

This lead me to try to find a way to start... cultivating... magic.

That's why I spend painstakingly a year with this idea. Before almost dropping it entirely…

That was until… I spend almost the whole night just staring at the stars… it was unfamiliar stars… however… it was the breakthrough I needed.

Mixing the image I see with breathing, a synchronisation is achieved. That moment...my body started breathing...magic…

Simply put I became 'One With the Land'. Magic started to flow into me because I was just another object in nature.

After experiencing this I understood magic better and my usage of runes became much easier.

While I could not use the majority of my alchemy I was able to start collecting material to build my Mark I.

However… this was quite a long project…

~~~~~~Later, Few Years~~~~~~

Lucan just finished tinkering with his Mark I. His prototype was stashed away from people's eyes as it was… piece of magical objects.

As people are prejudiced in this world, he was working away from their eyes. For this, he decided to make a makeshift workshop.

Well, calling it a workshop is quite a stretch. He was able to make a basic underground cave not far from the village he was living.

Even there he only had basics. As he was working on the alchemical formula for proper transmutation. As well as him cultivating his magic to reach the next bottleneck.

Oh, he knows there is a bottleneck of some sort… well, more like a critical point. As at the moment when he is 'breathing' magic, it feels like he was wind in his gut…

And the wind is like fanning some sort of flames in his gut.

As he was thinking about this he noticed smoke rising in the village.

His eyes slightly widened. He realised that at this moment there is one kind of person who would attack his village!


He quickly turned around and rushed back to his man cave.

Once there he looked at the Mark I prototype.

It was nowhere…near what he would want for Mark I but it can fly and shoot basic magic blasts.

While the core has a basic loop reactor. It doesn't produce enough energy to fly and shoot at the same time.

However… this is enough to deal with raiders who can barely make basic steel weapons!

Walking quickly over Lucan pulled out the chain mail. And put it on.

The chainmail set took him the longest to make because for the simple reason that it requires very meticulous work. Unlike other pieces which with some basic Alchemy runes he was able to mould the shapes into what he wanted to.

Once the chainmail was on he quickly put it on the chest piece, it reacted to the chainmail which instantly adjusted, followed by other pieces. With headpiece, he was all ready to go out.

While he looked something between a man at arms and a knight with plate armour and chainmail he was much more than that.

The chainmail and plate armour pieces have a basic linkage between them which keep the armour in place. That's why areas like elbows and knees don't truly have proper protections… since he isn't finished with servomotors.

For those, he needs a proper workshop!

However, for this...he doesn't need servo motors…

After putting armour he quickly rushed back into the village. Seeing fire everywhere the Alchemist turned teenager got very much pissed off!

He quickly rushed forward seeing the first ironborn rider he pointed his right-hand palm the basic magic circles manifested and a bolt of energy rushed into the leather armour wearing the rider's back.

"Ahhh!!!" The raider flew forward with scorched back.

Lucan quickly walked over to him. This scumbag was trashing around from the pain. The teen pointed his left-hand palm at him and once again send a bolt of blue magic energy.

Because of such close distance, the blast created a crater with the raider charcoaled form in the middle of it.

Without wasting more time the teen alchemist walked forward.

"Hmm? Who the fuck are you? Hero-"

A blast of magic slammed into another raider's face. Shredding most of it in process. Killing with one blow.

"...What... is that!?" Another one screamed with some fear seeing one of his buddies just getting killed like that!


Lucan didn't explain anything he simply pointed his palm and another burst of magic slammed into the guy's face, killing another one.


"Hahaha! This one was a good haul! Who knew there was a such skilled blacksmith in this place!"

"Aye! Pity… we couldn't capture him! Imagine how many awards we could get from King Harren himself! Just look at this steel sword!" One of the Raider said with a greedy look as he looked at the weapon he was holding. It was a simple sword. But the craftsmanship is worthy of royalty!

"I suggest you put that sword down. A mere rodent-like you is not worthy of touching something my family has crafted."

A teenager's voice said with an ice-cold tone.

"Heh?" The ironborn turned around and saw a single man dressed in meticulously crafted steel armour standing in front of them.

"And what are you going to do about it? You don't even have a…"

The armoured individual lifted his hand and a bolt of blue energy slammed into talking ironborn.

"As I said… you are not worthy… only death awaits you." He said that while lowering his hand and lifting his other hand and shooting another blast killing another gobsmacked Ironborn.

"W-What the…."

Another blast send one more Ironborn flying with charred body…

One after another they all dropped down. Before the raiders realised more than half were dead!

"Shoot! Shoot! What are you waiting for!? Attack this witch!" The raider screamed with a panicked and very much terrified look.

But, the armoured teen didn't waste his time, he didn't even argue that he was called a 'witch' which is the only word the people have in this place.

After all, as far as his memory goes he could only recall that women are the ones who practice questionable 'magic' arts thus branded witches… Males don't do that in this place… They prefer swinging swords and banging women…

He pointed his palm at the screaming moron and shoot the magic bolt.

However, the raider has dodged it at the very last moment and instead rushed forward with his axe.

The armoured teen snorted seeing the rush at him and took a simple martial arts stance.

The raider swung and the teen brushed it aside with his right hand then he pointed his left palm at the ironborn chest.

Next moment the magic bolt rammed into the guy sending him flying several metres. Most of his chest was burned from the magic blast.

Before the teen could relax several arrows hit him.


He could feel some of the hits but his armour is more than capable of handling simple arrows!

"Is this the best you can do?" The teen said that as he pointed both of his palms.

The bows wielding raiders looked slightly afraid, seeing that their shoots did jack shit. They were not prepared to engage someone wielding plate armour! Hell! They were far away from any Lord's holdfast!

"Well, now it's my turn!" With a simple step which was empowered by a magic circle on the bottom of the feet, the teen accelerated at shell shocked raider who didn't expect such an increase in speed!

Because of the extra force generated by such a move the fist which slammed into the Ironborn was strong enough to send the guy flying!

The teen didn't stop there as he quickly pointed his other hand and released the magic bolt at the other raider!

The one which received the magic blast instantly died, but the one who got punched was still coughing hard as he felt that his insides were rearranged. Honestly, even the teen felt the sting in his right hand.

However, this was not the time for pain. The teen quickly pointed his hand at the coughing raider and released the bolt of magical energy killing the raider.

*Deep Breath*

'There should be more of these bastards. They don't travel in huge groups. Especially here in Riverlands.

These bastards are fucking pirates! Riverlands are theirs! Why are you raiding the lands you own!?' The teen frowned heavily under his helmet.

These Ironborn have to go away! This means he will have to Kill Harren. However… his death will create a vacuum of power in Riverlands. Which will be taken over either by the Rock or Stormlands… or both… creating another war… well...whatever...

'Well, it's not my problem. Ironborn started first with their actions. Now their King has to deal with it.' As the teen thought about it he looked around and walked over and picked the sword his father worked with his help.

It was a simple longsword. The reason why it was good was because of the balance. They reworked it several times to improve their art. To the point that one could even call it a treasure once some ornaments could be added to it.

'Still good, they didn't damage it with their uncultured hands. I think it's a good time to make you taste some blood!' The armoured teen thought to himself as he looked at the sharp edge of the blade.

Once making up his mind he looked around. Seeing the destruction around his small village. He remembered just a few moments ago how peaceful it was here before. Now, most of the houses were burning, corpses of...men were laying on the ground.

'Of course… they most likely came here to collect some women… sigh…'

After trying to swing the sword, the teen continue to look around for more Ironborn. More specifically toward the river. One of the forks of the Trident River. The biggest river in Westeros. Big enough to have several ships to flow up and down the stream at the same time.

He was certain that the longboat which ironborn arrived is parked right there.

Less than a few minutes he did find the ship and several ironborn waiting there. They all had giddy looks. Assuming they can't wait to have their turn with the 'loot' they collected.

"Hmm? Who are you brat?"

Instead of answering the teen pointed his left hand and released a magic blast at the ironborn.


The body slammed into the ship before sliding down to the ground.

"W-What the fuck!" The other ironborn and most likely the last one was shell shocked seeing his buddy down like that!


Before the raider can understand what was going on he saw a sword in his gut.

"Y-You..  threw… a sword?" It was the last thing the guy said before collapsing on the ground.

"Always expect the unexpected." The teen said that as he walked over and pulled out the blade out of the guy's stomach.

He then pointed his palm at the guy's face. And released the blast of magic. Make sure he is truly dead.

Once the teen delt with the raiders he jumped into the ship… it was time to release the 'loot'


This is what Lucan tried to avoid. The looks of awe and fear from the villagers… well majority were females and some boys too. They are to be used as cheap labour for the construction of Harren's castle.

"I killed off the raiders. You can all try to return to the village or move on somewhere else." As the teen said that he turned around and jumped out from the ship and landed on the beach then started walking toward the village. His goal is to find whatever has left of his house and… the biological parents of the body he was inhabiting.

"W-Wait Lucan! What about you?"

The teen sighed hearing the voice of one of the girlies who had a crush or attraction… towards him. Honestly… most of the girls in the village had some sort of crush and adoration towards him.

The reason for it is very simple. His aura, smart like disposition, confidence, and of course his body of toned blacksmith.

These things earned him the adoration of most females around his age.

And now they won't going to leave him alone…

"I have to take care of my family's house and...find what happened to my parents. I suggest you do the same."

After saying that they left him alone.

Lucan walked towards his home. His place was one of the best places in this small village bigger than the village chief. For the simple reason that the smithy was part of it.

Not only that but the construction of it was much more durable than the other 'houses'.

Calling them houses is quite difficult for him. As someone who spend decades crafting he finds these mud, stone and plank buildings barely classified as hovel.

Even then he could call it dangerous for health as strong wind could easily blow off the roof…

Anyway, after spending several years here he slightly got attached to this little house.

However, that is about to change as the moment Lucan entered the house he found his biological father's corpse…

The alchemist turned teen face hardened. This was… quite the reminder that he was in the lawless medieval world. After looking at the downed man's form for a bit his gaze went to other bodies, he found two iron born bodies not far from the blacksmith…

A small smile appeared on his face. The man went down fighting and from the looks of it, he took two raiders down with his hammer… as it was quite bloody and the faces of the raiders were disfigured.

After checking that the blacksmith he went to the house part where he found his biological mother… there was an iron born raider there as well. She used a knife to kill him before she was taken down by someone from behind.

'No wonder he liked her this much, I just got reminded that she was northern. And I am quite thankful for that. I couldn't live with myself if I had ginger hair…'

Smiling for a bit. His face then hardened. He tried to control his boiling rage with good memories but it was pointless. Iron born just signed of their lives.

Lucan's face hardened as he started to clean up this mess.

He pulled out the Ironborn bodies out of his house and started pilling them one on top of another. Of course, he took their weapons away first. He needs all the steel he could get!

After their bodies were disposed of, for a second Lucan was thinking of just dropping them somewhere he quickly discarded this idea, because the smell of blood would attract the attention of predators.

The teen actions quickly attracted the remaining villagers who brought their corpses to be burned as well.

While for his biological parents he did proper burial before retiring for the day.


Falling asleep was quite hard for the teen who once again went through...change in his life. Perfectly honest he is not used to rapid changes.

As being who lived several hundred years he is not used to for his life flipping like that.

This made him very quickly remember who did this and what he should do. Now that his biological father is gone he no longer needs to hold back!

For that, he quickly, decided that sleep can wait, so he went to the forge and started carving runes on it.

He needs more hotter flames! The steel he has at the moment doesn't hold up! Lucan checked his gauntlets and saw several cracks appeared on them already.

This means that the steel he used to make them is not pure enough. To fix that he needs to melt away the impurities!

And so the work to fix that has started!

It took around several hours to carve the runes around the forge.

The reason it took so long because the runes will pull magic from outside to empower the fire. Like wind fanning the flames.

A few minutes later he could smirk seen the orange flames were much hotter than ever, turning close to red.

Lucan quickly brough the steel weapons he collected from Ironborn and the other iron and steel his biological father had.

First what he needed to do is to get rid of iron. So, he started with the process to change iron into steel.

Once it was done he started patching his armour.

That process lasted till morning. Thankfully, there was very little work there. Magic already did most of the work of removing impurities.

Now he hopes that the gauntlets will hold with magic blasts…

The alchemist looked at the armour put on the mannequin. His gaze stayed on it for a bit. He was thinking for a bit. Before his gaze went on the sword was put on the table.

He walked over and picked it up. For him, it was quite light in the weight category. Hell, he could swing it casually like some bamboo stick.

'I can't rely on just the gauntlets.' Lucan swung the sword for a bit. What he didn't like about the sword is that its reach is not good. For someone like him who likes taking out things from distance. A trait of a mage and alchemist…

'Then...why not make its reach longer?'

The alchemist turned teen looked at the handle and several ideas popped in his heat. Why not take some ideas from Japanese Naginata?

With that in mind, Lucan quickly started expanding the sword's handle and turning it into a pure steel sword-spear hybrid.

The process wasn't that difficult. The only slightly difficult thing is the balance of this weapon.

Even with the extra steel in it, and the length of the weapon it wasn't difficult to wield for Lucan. At least now he could feel it in his hands.

To test it out he walked outside and behind the house. The teen started doing some simple motions with the steel weapon. Because of the weight of the weapon he quite easily created some wind cuts.

However, this weapon's main purpose is not to be used like some oversized sword. No, what Lucan wants is to be used as a throwing weapon as well.

For that, he decided to test how good is the piercing ability.

He quickly took a throwing stance and threw the spear-sword at the tree.

His aim was not the best but he hit the tree trunk.

A small smirk appeared on the teen's face when he saw that most if not all the blade was inside the tree trunk!

'Good… very good… now to make it capable to return to me.' He hand thoughtful look for a second. He remembered a couple of runes who can help him with that.

'That should work… and then I need something for my left hand… hmm…maybe some a whip-like thing make from a chain?'

He thought about the idea of utilising his higher strength than regular people have. Chain will freak out some of these idiots.

Especially the Ironborn who will feel his rage.


Siddarth Ravi

What have the iron born got to do with the riverlands? Those are two separate kingdoms with two separate lord paramounts


Not when we're before Aegon's conquest and the concept of lord paramounts. The mentions of King Harren and him building a castle should clue you in there.