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Still working on Draft 1 now that Draft 0 is complete! I'm really loving how it's coming together already -- it's already gained a lot of depth and complexity (thank god). There isn't a lot of writing words-wise yet (around 4000 words so far), but that's because I've spent a lot of time doing research and world building. Have a snippet of world building I wrote on Friday: "So they go to the gryphons. The gryphon lands… Gryphons are 4-legged, winged animals with a profusion of magic (presumably air related?). They probably have a high aerie-style living space, maybe like mountain cats as well. How birdlike are they? Birdlike expressions, bird like mannerisms (preening, plucking, etc). Predatory, feline mannerisms too (stalking, playing with food) independence mixes with flock tendencies to have a lot of small satellite groups, no major leader. Not unusual for there to be loners. (Kinda want one to join the team…) They also keep pets, especially draconic pets. They have a range of species but they're mostly coordinated by physical ability. Like Falcon/Cheetah perhaps; dex-based animals grouped together, versus more strength-based (lion/eagle?) … In general they don't mind scavenging if they have to but they tend to prefer fresh meat. They don't eat any grains or vegetables (since neither do their various counterparts) but perhaps they tend some fields for guests and livestock. Probably different types hunt in different ways; they group probably with few species at a time, so the comic won't be overwhelmed with different species; and presumably they will be species who would thrive in a cool, temperate environment. Probably smaller cats; bobcat, lynx, mountain lion, ocelot. More warm-weather environments -- Summer -- would have more stocky African plains cats: lions, cheetahs, etc. Summer I think also has a jungle area that may border Spring. Jaguars, Panthers, Tigers, and other jungle cat gryphons would be here. So the Autumn gyphons probably have no specific leader but they do respect age, and in general they're willing to bow to the elder gryphons. Granted, they still have strong individual streaks and will ignore advice if they think they know best. To that end, we have Enyoka, one of the elders of the Autumn gryphons, to whom Lulu is bringing our wayward heroes. "


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