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Hey guys!!! Just finished up Draft 0 today. It is a disorganized mess of a draft, but it's FINISHED and that means I have completed the first of many steps to making this thing a reality :D It is more or less an expanded outline, where i talked through the plot with myself piece at a time. I look forward to getting the first draft done, because that at least I can show people. This one I don't know if any person besides me could even follow it since I change my mind halfway through sentences without saying anything. Thanks for the support y'all! I probably could (and would) do this without you, but without nearly as much enthusiasm or speed! ;)




<a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/otos61yxe55417f/DRAFT%200.PNG?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/otos61yxe55417f/DRAFT%200.PNG?dl=0</a> (also here's the full size if you want to peek)